Billie is smart, she’s cementing herself as a touring force. That’s how you’re gonna have a career in your 50s/60s.
O rod gang
You’ve been on here way too long to be saying o rod gang
didn’t care for much on this album but this song is easily one of her best
! Than Ever was SOTY 2021.
The album was alright but it had a few tracks that I still play from time to time. GOLDWING, I Didn’t Change My Number, Billie Bossa Nova, Therefore I Am, etc.
while this is very much true, I do think olivia has more potential music wise than billie
billie’s last album had some of her best songs, but that project as a whole isn’t really a great omen as to what she might do in the future
olivia on the other hand seems like she can really go anywhere and that’s kinda more exciting to me rn
They just Lorde's nieces anyway
Well someone needs to pick up the slack after the disaster that was Solar Power
Wow. I just know her areolas are pink and her nipples stick out the perfect amount for piercings.
Wow. I just know her areolas are pink and her nipples stick out the perfect amount for piercings.
Actually, just listened again to Happier Than Ever, the song, and that’s got it, wow, what a song