  • May 21, 2023

    Insanely goat game, they all were

  • May 21, 2023

    absolute s*** game

    absolutely insulting that it's in the same franchise as the first 2 games


  • May 21, 2023

    literally both siding a SLAVE REBELLION by turning daisy into a child killer OUT OF NOWHERE

    even they kno it's bad bcuz they retconned her as a martyr in the dlc

    yeah I agree that plot wasn't it tbh

  • May 21, 2023

    A decently interesting game with a weird story.

    Wouldn't put it above the first or second.

  • aLIEN

    The Development History of Bioshock: Infinite is incredible & fascinating because you realize how much of it informed the "ending" of the story.

    Elizabeth's personas from different eras reflected the fact that Bioshock Infinite went through many reboots/revisions from across those said eras. This implied that Ken Levine was conveying the reality that whatever universe/timeline/era the MC was going to be placed in by the developers, the ending would've still been the same. There's some deep determinism themes in that aspect of the story.

  • May 29, 2023
    1 reply

    99 Mode first playthrough no spoilers was a banger for me. I still need to play the DLC ( Lol I know I am late as f***)

  • May 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Can someone explain me why this game is getting revisioned nowadays? I remember seeing acclaim from everywhere, having a similar impact of TLOU, but lately the criticism been rising.

    I think criticism been rising because

    1. No one often wants to give First Person shooter narratives a chance. It was kind of the last of its kind for a hot minute since. After Last of Us many shifted to third person to tell serious stories and never looked back

    2. Many didn't like the ending. I did but many didn't while also feeling the gameplay was redundant. I played on harder difficulty and finding a way to win was dope to me. if I had played on normal for my first and likely only playthrough though I don't know how that would change it

    3. For many this began multiverse , timey wimey stories and they didn't like what it delivered. They also were overhyped by original trailer and rails system that they thought was going to be more than what it was

    Only thing I could possibly agree on is that final boss sequence i remember a slew of enemies was a little odd or unsatisfying for a final boss

  • May 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Bioshock trilogy is amazing.

  • May 29, 2023

    Insanely goat game, they all were

  • May 29, 2023

    Never played it

    First is fire tho

  • May 29, 2023

    Bioshock trilogy is amazing.

  • May 29, 2023

    Not even the best bioshock

  • Juliaxb

    literally both siding a SLAVE REBELLION by turning daisy into a child killer OUT OF NOWHERE

    even they kno it's bad bcuz they retconned her as a martyr in the dlc

    a black woman rebellion leader who turns into a child killer you say?

  • At first I loved this game since the controls were worlds better than 1/2 but the game was just really.. boring? Never finished it

  • May 30, 2023
    1 reply

    99 Mode first playthrough no spoilers was a banger for me. I still need to play the DLC ( Lol I know I am late as f***)

    The DLC is legitimately one of the greatest DLCs since GTA IV's Dualogy ✌️

  • Hasan Kahraman

    The DLC is legitimately one of the greatest DLCs since GTA IV's Dualogy ✌️

    Yeah I will play it for sure. Kind of due for infinite replay would be a good move for me before Judas

  • May 31, 2023

    for me top 10. Bioshock trilogy was one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. I really liked the nod to rosencrans and guildenstern and the twist ending here. Bioshock 1 was a little better but this isn't far behind

    also if you havent played these games the platinum way you should

  • May 31, 2023

    bioshock infinite isnt even the best bioshock
    overrated s***

  • May 31, 2023
    1 reply

    I think criticism been rising because

    1. No one often wants to give First Person shooter narratives a chance. It was kind of the last of its kind for a hot minute since. After Last of Us many shifted to third person to tell serious stories and never looked back

    2. Many didn't like the ending. I did but many didn't while also feeling the gameplay was redundant. I played on harder difficulty and finding a way to win was dope to me. if I had played on normal for my first and likely only playthrough though I don't know how that would change it

    3. For many this began multiverse , timey wimey stories and they didn't like what it delivered. They also were overhyped by original trailer and rails system that they thought was going to be more than what it was

    Only thing I could possibly agree on is that final boss sequence i remember a slew of enemies was a little odd or unsatisfying for a final boss

    1999 mode w no vending machines

  • May 31, 2023

    where is bioshock going next

    is atomic heart any good?

  • May 31, 2023

    Poop game and the marketing was all cap

  • May 31, 2023
    1 reply

    1999 mode w no vending machines

    its definitely a game where I can say the difficulty immersed me more. Also rarely felt overly cheap or unbeatable which is often what I struggle with in hardest difficulty games

  • May 31, 2023
    1 reply

    its definitely a game where I can say the difficulty immersed me more. Also rarely felt overly cheap or unbeatable which is often what I struggle with in hardest difficulty games

    even the first game on the hardest difficulty with no checkpoints, had methods of taking care of big daddies

  • May 31, 2023
    1 reply

    even the first game on the hardest difficulty with no checkpoints, had methods of taking care of big daddies

    that I haven't done if I ever replay I would

  • May 31, 2023
    1 reply

    that I haven't done if I ever replay I would

    platinum trophy method for all three games is the best way to play for sure. just make sure to save a lot to not lose progress