Word I'll listen to it
Yeah it's dope and wildly ahead of its time and M.I.A. is a better singer than Kanye. The music videos are crazy too
love that album
I enjoyed it more than Yeezus even before the Nazi stuff
It's just hard as hell and extremely eclectic. One of the most underrated hip hop albums ever
Yeah it's dope and wildly ahead of its time and M.I.A. is a better singer than Kanye. The music videos are crazy too
I haven't listened to mia in so long I think the only albums I heard in full was kala and matangi
I haven't listened to mia in so long I think the only albums I heard in full was kala and matangi
It's her second best behind Kala tbh.
M.I.A. is one of my favorite artists of all time
I don't know him personally and can only go off of either his word or public narrative. He's never even attempted to rebuke the public narrative around his anti-semitism and fascism and has doubled down on supporting both. These claims moreover go back to the early 2000s, and in regards to his anti-semitism, the mid-90s. Dude has regularly come out and shown how insincere he is, he even stated as much when he said he wrote absolutely none of "Violent Crimes". He's just a talented charlatan. If y'all like him, cool, I literally never said you shouldn't or can't. I didn't even say he was bad. But just like I don't rock with Eminem even if his old stuff is good, I feel the same way toward Kanye, sans MBDTF and TLOP because they're well done and vastly more genuine exposes of who this guy really is and always was.
Obsessed man blud writes whole books about Kanye
It's her second best behind Kala tbh.
M.I.A. is one of my favorite artists of all time
If you like her that much and compare her s*** to yeezus I'm going to listen to her whole discog after maya
Seems like I been sleeping for some reason
“I’m a walking contradiction”. He said it back then and he’s repeated it recently he admires Hitler’s marketing and thinks he did some good things like the inventions he came up with. How does that take away from anything he’s said before? Lol ain’t like he’s out here saying “all the Jews deserved to burn” or some wild s*** like that lol
He clearly hates how much Jews control the industry/Hollywood and uses Hitler to bait them into flexing their power. As he said a few years ago “it’s normal to say nigga now, but if I mention Hitler watch what happens” <—that to me sounds very 04-07 Kanye but agree to disagree I dgaf what artist say outside the booth, especially when they get past 40. Ice Cube really hates the Jews frfr and loves republicans but I’ll never call Cube a sell out lol he’s just old now, it happens people change 😆
1) What did Hitler market? Photo albums made out of the skin of dead Jews?
2) What good did Hitler do? Did he physically build the autobahn? Are his paintings really that special? Is defending Hitler financing the construction of a goddamn road and being a decent painter really a hill worth dying on if you're not some 14 year old edgelord on 4chan making Nazi jokes to cope with the pain they feel every time their dad hits them?
3) Is there any proof that "the Jews" control any industry? It's not even a major religion on a global scale and most powerful people in the west are white protestants. Islamic folks have more control over international industries than Jewish people lol, especially in oil.
4) Did he "bait the Jews" or did he receive proper backlash for being a pro-Nazi, pro-Hitler, white supremacist Holocaust denier? Are we supposed to just forgive someone for publicly endorsing Nazis on a world platform?
5) Does fighting hate with more hate accomplish anything at all? Did that work when the Germans themselves were rightfully scorned after they were screwed over when World War I ended?
Kanye is a grown ass man and is a selfish idiot who bullies people who are vulnerable targets to feel better about himself because he's a self-hating, white worshipping buffoon who feels so bad about himself that he can't muster the fortitude to be a decent person, husband, or father. His music is great, listen to whatever you want, but this "walking contradiction" BS stops when dude wants to endorse fascism. At that point, read a damn book, take your meds, and use your billions of dollars to go to a goddamn therapist.
My favorite beat on TLOP is probably Saint Pablo but I respect that Astroworld was very ambitious in its own way. The diversity of TLOP is what sells the album for me however, as it's a kaleidoscope of the various sonic experiments Kanye's dabbled in over the years done in original ways. It's really cool
Saint Pablo great great song
I haven't listened to mia in so long I think the only albums I heard in full was kala and matangi
Maya is my favorite album of hers
I wouldnt say its better than yeezus or nothing but its mad ahead of its time
I got chills all over hearing Ultralight Beam for the first time, I remember thinking about it nonstop weeks after because after the listening event we didn’t get the album for a while lol
Sometimes I still listen to it and feel crazy. Also FSMH could’ve been one of the greatest songs of all time if Kanye didn’t rap that terrible verse
Not a terrible verse, he was doing futuristic storytelling we weren’t ready for. TLOP is genius modern art and those moments were there on purpose
Saint Pablo great great song
Mike Dean went hammer on those synths and Sampha was the perfect feature
lol thats always been the dirty little secret of the album
Feedback, Highlights and Freestyle 4 really bog down the middle of the album
3 awesome songs
If you like her that much and compare her s*** to yeezus I'm going to listen to her whole discog after maya
Seems like I been sleeping for some reason
Everything from 2005-2013 is insane
1) What did Hitler market? Photo albums made out of the skin of dead Jews?
2) What good did Hitler do? Did he physically build the autobahn? Are his paintings really that special? Is defending Hitler financing the construction of a goddamn road and being a decent painter really a hill worth dying on if you're not some 14 year old edgelord on 4chan making Nazi jokes to cope with the pain they feel every time their dad hits them?
3) Is there any proof that "the Jews" control any industry? It's not even a major religion on a global scale and most powerful people in the west are white protestants. Islamic folks have more control over international industries than Jewish people lol, especially in oil.
4) Did he "bait the Jews" or did he receive proper backlash for being a pro-Nazi, pro-Hitler, white supremacist Holocaust denier? Are we supposed to just forgive someone for publicly endorsing Nazis on a world platform?
5) Does fighting hate with more hate accomplish anything at all? Did that work when the Germans themselves were rightfully scorned after they were screwed over when World War I ended?
Kanye is a grown ass man and is a selfish idiot who bullies people who are vulnerable targets to feel better about himself because he's a self-hating, white worshipping buffoon who feels so bad about himself that he can't muster the fortitude to be a decent person, husband, or father. His music is great, listen to whatever you want, but this "walking contradiction" BS stops when dude wants to endorse fascism. At that point, read a damn book, take your meds, and use your billions of dollars to go to a goddamn therapist.
lol im the last person to pretend to know/care about this type of history but a quick google search of "Hitler marketing" and...
And I and everyone else on this site and planet should have zero doubt Jews run that industry and many others. Not saying its a bad thing, its just well known facts. Like Chapelle said, "what he said wasn't wrong, its just that no one is stupid enough to say it"
don't even know why im arguing w u, I could care less what artist believe or say outside of music. I do think retroactively going back and wiping out Kanye's early stuff due to something he said in 2020 is pretty wild though lol but to each his own. You need proof to know Jews run the industry but you'll take anonymous "ex colleagues" of Kanye's word that he's been a Nazi since 02?
lol im the last person to pretend to know/care about this type of history but a quick google search of "Hitler marketing" and...
And I and everyone else on this site and planet should have zero doubt Jews run that industry and many others. Not saying its a bad thing, its just well known facts. Like Chapelle said, "what he said wasn't wrong, its just that no one is stupid enough to say it"
don't even know why im arguing w u, I could care less what artist believe or say outside of music. I do think retroactively going back and wiping out Kanye's early stuff due to something he said in 2020 is pretty wild though lol but to each his own. You need proof to know Jews run the industry but you'll take anonymous "ex colleagues" of Kanye's word that he's been a Nazi since 02?
Because Kanye himself doesn't deny these claims and is in fact a Nazi by his own claim lol. There is no proof that Jews control any industry even if, obviously, there are certain industries in which there are a notable percentage of Jewish executives within them compared to others. But there's not some "Jewish plot" within these executive positions to control society lmao
Because Kanye himself doesn't deny these claims and is in fact a Nazi by his own claim lol. There is no proof that Jews control any industry even if, obviously, there are certain industries in which there are a notable percentage of Jewish executives within them compared to others. But there's not some "Jewish plot" within these executive positions to control society lmao
Kanye's been called gay, anti black, anti white, anti abortion, anti democrat--hell we've even heard he likes fingers up his ass..and none of these were denied either. He's a lot of things, I guess! lol
Kanye's been called gay, anti black, anti white, anti abortion, anti democrat--hell we've even heard he likes fingers up his ass..and none of these were denied either. He's a lot of things, I guess! lol
He is anti-black, he's anti-abortion, and he's anti-democrat lmao
Fox News in the mid-2000s was calling any famous black person who wasn't vocally conservative anti-white. Nobody saying that about him anymore and haven't in a very long time.
We have no proof that he's gay, and plenty that he's straight. We have no proof that he's not a Nazi, and plenty that there is.
TLOP for sure