You tryna sound like me nigga get off my d*** you cant copy big daddy
Train these nuts in your mouth
What does Tyler being in elementary school have to do with this album? your response was nonsensical as s***
people forget the barriers puff broke down honestly he really changed hip hop
He really did,everything Ye trying to do now,Puff already did it in some form. Bro was on the cover of Forbes with Jerry Seinfeld way back in 99
He was the OG trendsetter
He really did,everything Ye trying to do now,Puff already did it in some form. Bro was on the cover of Forbes with Jerry Seinfeld way back in 99
He was the OG trendsetter
Pharrell and Ye both idolize Puff
Q Tip too
Pharrell and Ye both idolize Puff
Q Tip too
Yea,Tip is the one who’s really slept on
He really did,everything Ye trying to do now,Puff already did it in some form. Bro was on the cover of Forbes with Jerry Seinfeld way back in 99
He was the OG trendsetter
forbes cover doesn’t really mean much
you can pay to get in there and on their lists
which is what people who really want to be seen as moguls do
an album with Bobby james isn’t bad
it's only popular because Tyler said it's his favourite album oat.
Lord Willin' is a way better example of their craft as producers
People were listening to nerd way before Tyler’s discussing his favorite artists
it's only popular because Tyler said it's his favourite album oat.
Lord Willin' is a way better example of their craft as producers
nope not the only some uncultured guy
People were listening to nerd way before Tyler’s discussing his favorite artists
Nobody regarded it as an all-time classic though
nope not the only some uncultured guy
if i'm uncultured because i haven't listened to every gucci mixtape then i'll happily take that title
It's got some good songs and captures that contemporary sound of the early 2000s, but really, there's only a few good songs
Siri play "Run to the Sun"
Shoutout to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for putting me on to the song
it's only popular because Tyler said it's his favourite album oat.
Lord Willin' is a way better example of their craft as producers
if i'm uncultured because i haven't listened to every gucci mixtape then i'll happily take that title
rockstar and lapdance were huge hits in the early 2000s thats why im calling you uncultured
forbes cover doesn’t really mean much
you can pay to get in there and on their lists
which is what people who really want to be seen as moguls do
Bruh,this is a joint cover with Jerry Seinfeld. I’m pretty sure that if Seinfeld didn’t want Puff on this cover,he had the veto power to not do the cover with him and cancel the whole thing. Anyways,I think the issue they covered was about showcasing people who were titans of their industry,so they were most likely chosen.
Bruh,this is a joint cover with Jerry Seinfeld. I’m pretty sure that if Seinfeld didn’t want Puff on this cover,he had the veto power to not do the cover with him and cancel the whole thing. Anyways,I think the issue they covered was about showcasing people who were titans of their industry,so they were most likely chosen.
a lot more goes into that than simply being “chosen”
people pay pr firms large sums of money to get those kinda looks