all of them
The one that walks behind alone when there’s no space on the footpath
damn...this cut deep
it’s unpredictable
The one that rarely shows up to s*** anymore but yall still have a good time when you link up
apex predator
wait are u the same poster as the guy with the DBZ avi that would keep saying that
wait are u the same poster as the guy with the DBZ avi that would keep saying that
the reasonable one
it’s exhausting too
AKA The Mom
You’re the most essential one you keep everyone out of trouble
I fw
I'm the only one that doesn't smoke or drink, the only one not in college or graduated, and the only one doing sumn creative. I think that makes me the dork
You’re the artistic/creative one. There I did it for you. There’s nothing to be ashamed of man everyone has a stage where they find where they fit in in this world.
The one that rarely shows up to s*** anymore but yall still have a good time when you link up
the one that feels lost in their hometown
yeah I'm that one too
You’re the artistic/creative one. There I did it for you. There’s nothing to be ashamed of man everyone has a stage where they find where they fit in in this world.
Stay out of trouble dawg
hmmm idk just the extra if they have space I guess
Yeah that’s total bullshit you have a personality you just tell yourself that you’re an extra because that’s how you feel. You just need better friends. What type of person do people usually describe you as?
Stay out of trouble dawg
I will man and you keep you motherfucking head up. Don’t you ever f***ing talk down on yourself you have a place in this world and you are important in your own way.