ideally you'd never have to pick because you shouldn't get a wife that doesn't get along with ur moms
What if its your mom who doesn’t get along with your wife. I feel like this happens a lot in marriages
These twitter dudes really dramatic
I mean, she called shotgun
These twitter dudes really dramatic
If my girl ever disrespected my mom then she’s gone. This the most headass tweet I’ve ever seen and that’s saying something. What a clown
blood don't really mean s*** to me but my mom has proved that she's amazing, blood or not. i have so much respect for my mom's character. i aspire to be like her
always mom
(but if my mom wasn't s*** of course i'd feel differently)
Not the thread but more so the twitter people talking about it
Why would there be any reason to compare the value of your mother and the value of your wife?
My ex used to ask me s*** like this all the time. "What if me and your mom were drowning and you could only save one of us, what would you do?"
My ex used to ask me s*** like this all the time. "What if me and your mom were drowning and you could only save one of us, what would you do?"
Thats so toxic lol
There’s literally no reason for them to butt heads about whos more important in your life
Pretty sure the Bible talks about your wife coming first too
i'm definitely pro mom in that case
My ex used to ask me s*** like this all the time. "What if me and your mom were drowning and you could only save one of us, what would you do?"
Since she’s your ex I already know how you answered jk but on a real note how would you respond
ideally you'd never have to pick because you shouldn't get a wife that doesn't get along with ur moms
This facts right here
My mom or a b**** that could leave me at any moment?
Since she’s your ex I already know how you answered jk but on a real note how would you respond
I said: "I would drown myself too, as I couldn't bear living without the both of you"
okay final answer. if your mom tries to make you choose, kick your mom to the curb.
if your lady tries to make you choose, kick your lady to the curb.
they should coexist peacefully or avoid each other
My ex used to ask me s*** like this all the time. "What if me and your mom were drowning and you could only save one of us, what would you do?"
"Why you think I workout so much hoe it's so I can save a whole schoolbus fill of kids it's gonna be a walk in the park to save both of yous"
I said: "I would drown myself too, as I couldn't bear living without the both of you"