  • Nov 2, 2020

    Let me see those hands

  • Nov 2, 2020
    1 reply

    I will be eating nachos while watching the elections

  • Nov 2, 2020
    Baby Beats

    Let me see those hands

    That last GIF of Hillary and Ellen trying to Whip & Nae Nae is why Donald Trump is the 45th president of the United States

  • Nov 2, 2020
    2 replies

    Why aren't you voting?

  • Nov 2, 2020

    Why aren't you voting?

  • Nov 2, 2020
    4 replies

    cringe go out and vote

  • Niggamortis 👨‍🚀
    Nov 2, 2020

    Waiting for the 110 pound judgmental /pol browsers to break down why voting is meaningless as if they've ever attempted anything themselves.

  • Nov 2, 2020

    cringe go out and vote

  • Nov 2, 2020
    3 replies

    @op tryna pull out the "it doesn't change MY life anyway", "both candidates are terrible so it doesn't matter" cards like they actually make up for not voting

    Some of my ancestors DIED for the right to vote but go off

  • Nov 2, 2020
    2 replies

    take 1 hour out of every 4 years and go do that s***

  • Cant imagine dying to be able to check a box on a ballot

  • Nov 2, 2020
    1 reply

    take 1 hour out of every 4 years and go do that s***

    Even 3
    Niggas do the same amount of waiting trying to get close to the stage for a concert smfh

  • Nov 2, 2020
    4 replies

    Voting is about to change our lives.

    It’s very possible that COVID & the George Floyd protests have motivated enough young people to go out & vote.

    This may VERY WELL allow Democrats to take control of The White House, Senate, and House. And may very well pack the courts to achieve a Democrat supermajority

    This will change our country.

  • If you can't find one reason to not go out and vote, you're a fool. Look at Biden or Trumps platform, watch a debate? Find out what is important to YOU - health care? transit? taxes on rich? taxes on poor? police reform? criminal justice reform? reducing tuition? There's gotta be something

  • Nov 2, 2020
    1 reply

    I didn't vote idk anything about politics

  • Nov 2, 2020
    3 replies

    Why aren't you voting?

    im too busy and i don't really feel like things are going to change by too much if either wins
    biden will be 4 years of sounding like a politician but not getting anything done
    we already have had 4 years of trump and it wasn't too bad aside from COVID but that really wasn't his fault
    tbh if i had to vote id prob go with trump i dont think he is going to win tho

  • Nov 2, 2020
    1 reply

    not voting

  • Nov 2, 2020
    1 reply
    Baby Beats

    im too busy and i don't really feel like things are going to change by too much if either wins
    biden will be 4 years of sounding like a politician but not getting anything done
    we already have had 4 years of trump and it wasn't too bad aside from COVID but that really wasn't his fault
    tbh if i had to vote id prob go with trump i dont think he is going to win tho

    Have you looked at Biden's platform? There's some really incredible things in there.

  • Nov 2, 2020
    1 reply

    don't you have to like register to vote or something idek how it works like do you go to a library or something

  • rvi
    Nov 2, 2020
    Baby Beats

    im too busy and i don't really feel like things are going to change by too much if either wins
    biden will be 4 years of sounding like a politician but not getting anything done
    we already have had 4 years of trump and it wasn't too bad aside from COVID but that really wasn't his fault
    tbh if i had to vote id prob go with trump i dont think he is going to win tho

    confirmed not paying attention at all for the last 4 years

  • Morenito

    take 1 hour out of every 4 years and go do that s***

    It was even less than that if you were able to vote by mail.

    That was the slickest s*** ever I hope it's here to stay

  • Nov 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Voting is about to change our lives.

    It’s very possible that COVID & the George Floyd protests have motivated enough young people to go out & vote.

    This may VERY WELL allow Democrats to take control of The White House, Senate, and House. And may very well pack the courts to achieve a Democrat supermajority

    This will change our country.

    Blue senate is hype af

  • companyofwolves

    cringe go out and vote

  • Nov 2, 2020
    1 reply

    don't you have to like register to vote or something idek how it works like do you go to a library or something

    You can do it all online it takes like 5 min

  • Nov 2, 2020
    2 replies

    If y'all are so sure that it won't make a difference, then why not vote anyways. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
