my mother used a broom on me and broke dat s***
then i got my ass beat with a f***ing stainless steel pan
she wild
Not the belt but I was definitely spanked/had my ass beat growing up if I acted really badly/out.
In a way I honestly think it shaped me for the better. I show people with courtesy and respect.
my mother used a broom on me and broke dat s***
then i got my ass beat with a f***ing stainless steel pan
she wild
damn lmao
Not the belt but I was definitely spanked/had my ass beat growing up if I acted really badly/out.
In a way I honestly think it shaped me for the better. I show people with courtesy and respect.
I was lucky enough that my pops stuck around bc him and my mom had me young
he whooped my ass but he's my best friend now and I like where I am in life so
s*** obviously wouldn't work for every kid tho
I was lucky enough that my pops stuck around bc him and my mom had me young
he whooped my ass but he's my best friend now and I like where I am in life so
s*** obviously wouldn't work for every kid tho
Good to hear.
Obviously it doesn't work for every kid, especially if they weren't "bad" or "trouble makers" by nature.
I'm not for corporal punishment, but I DO think that there's a drastic differences in how most kids are being raised nowadays vs. then.
Lots of disrespect, disgusting. Sometimes you have to be harsh on a kid and say NO.
only threatened with the belt, sandals, slippers and grill skewers
used 2 laff it off cause i knew mama wouldn't do s***.
worst thing she did was pour a pitcher of water on my head when i didn't wanna wake up for school when i was 11
Good to hear.
Obviously it doesn't work for every kid, especially if they weren't "bad" or "trouble makers" by nature.
I'm not for corporal punishment, but I DO think that there's a drastic differences in how most kids are being raised nowadays vs. then.
Lots of disrespect, disgusting. Sometimes you have to be harsh on a kid and say NO.
Ya I don't see myself whipping my children unless its the absolute last option
but you're right about kids these days. MAD disrespectful.
Ya I don't see myself whipping my children unless its the absolute last option
but you're right about kids these days. MAD disrespectful.
That latest "TikTok trend" of kids "hitting licks" on their schools proves this.
And I don't want to hear the stupid argument "kids always been s***ty"... It didn't SPREAD like a cancer around the entire country
my mother used a broom on me and broke dat s***
then i got my ass beat with a f***ing stainless steel pan
she wild
my mother used a broom on me and broke dat s***
then i got my ass beat with a f***ing stainless steel pan
she wild
u a victim
damn bro I remember the fly swatter and switches too
Only really got beat a couple times but it was always the belt
my mother used a broom on me and broke dat s***
then i got my ass beat with a f***ing stainless steel pan
she wild
Ya mom a crazy b****
Belt and switch
you ever had to pick your own switch? lmao
I used to pick the most b**** ass switch possible and they would make me turn my ass around and get a better one
I used to laugh at my mom when she whooped me. My dad tho he only spanked me like twice but that s*** was serious and made me act right
Mom tried that on me once and lemme just say she didn’t try again after that
you better not be putting hands on your mom you weirdo
Hanger and rattan cane. Would lock me out the house if i went home too late and still got a beating when she let me in 💀💀
Started with the belt and graduated to getting slapped once the belt stopped working
wires and cables were woat