my mother used a broom on me and broke dat s***
then i got my ass beat with a f***ing stainless steel pan
she wild
Damn nigga yall were having ECW hardcore matches
I used to laugh at my mom when she whooped me. My dad tho he only spanked me like twice but that s*** was serious and made me act right
Hanger and rattan cane. Would lock me out the house if i went home too late and still got a beating when she let me in 💀💀
ayy f*** the wire hanger too bro that actually might be the worst tbh
my mother used a broom on me and broke dat s***
then i got my ass beat with a f***ing stainless steel pan
she wild
damn bro I remember the fly swatter and switches too
I used to laugh at my mom when she whooped me. My dad tho he only spanked me like twice but that s*** was serious and made me act right
Why would anyone spank you you’re like the nicest guy ever
bruh i got my ass beat so much as kid lmao s*** lowkey ruined my confidence growing up
i will never hit my kids fr f*** that
i got beat with a wave brush once
my dad still has that damn brush too
I’m sorry fam
was always the slipper for me
i remember the worst is when she threw it at me and missed, so she had to chase me around the table so she could hit me with the other one
I did
I remember showing off my marks after a whoopin to friends outside after drawing on the table on accident
Why would anyone spank you you’re like the nicest guy ever
I was naughty sometimes