Everyone around me is going 80+ lemme go 65 in the passing lane cause muh speed limit
F***ing idiots
thats your mentality, speed limit doesn't matter
keep coping
Do you think all traffic deaths are caused by speeding?
So they both would be at fault. Both with reckless driving.
Whos a judge going to believe?
"Oh I saw something in front of me go across the street so I had to hit my brakes right quick"
"Im impatient as f*** and I had to ride this guys ass because im in a hurry"
wait the youtube version shows more clarity. truck driver is def in the wrong and he wanted that to happen. piece of s*** truck drivers are woat
Whos a judge going to believe?
"Oh I saw something in front of me go across the street so I had to hit my brakes right quick"
"Im impatient as f*** and I had to ride this guys ass because im in a hurry"
So then this has degraded to who’s lie will be accepted….
My car fast as s*** and i dont do that s*** behind slow cars. Honda and Nissan drivers think theyre in nfs or forza or some s***.
So then this has degraded to who’s lie will be accepted….
A brake check is illegal yes, but if the person following wasn't tailgating and was keeping a 3 second distance from the car in front of them, an accident doesn't happen.
Do you think all traffic deaths are caused by speeding?
speeding is one of the biggest factors in accidents but more importantly fatalities
the faster u go, the more likely hood u have of losing control and of dying when u crash, its literally basic physics
going slightly slower in the left lane doesnt mean u tailgate, switch lanes without signalling super fast, and endanger others in general ur really not that important and its never that serious. honda acting like if they didnt pass the truck at that exact moment they would've died lmao
Honda driver is a moron but the truck driver is an a******
Stay the f*** out the left lane if you arent passing lmao
There is no reason you should be in the left lane going the same speed as the car next to you youre holding up traffic for no reason
pretty simple
speed limits exist for a reason you dont just drive as fast as you physically can. Americans cant comprehend this cuz "muh freedom"
US ranks worst for everything huh
no surprise there
Going faster than the speed limit = blocking traffic. cope
honda was risking lives to get some nuggets from Burger King
LOL this was in NJ??
not surprised one bit
f***ing dipshits all over
Speed limit isnt more important than the flow of traffic you stupid f***
If you wanna go the speed limit get the f*** in the right lane
Swear you niggas are f***ing idiots bro
man u really salty af all over this thread tryna justify why you speed up peoples asses all the time
Full video shows the white truck driver being a huge d*** and very reckless, they definitely created the situation but accord driver fell for the bait and probably ended up seriously injuring or killing themselves
i live in this s***hole, someone going 80 in the left lane isnt enough for half of these dipshits. theres always someone to be up your ass
Driver's like that deserve what they get.
I block these niggas off on purpose sometimes too.
But if you in the passing lane that's a diff story
I don’t like to speed and that’s why you’ll find me always in the right lane
They’re both reckless idiots if you ask me