Was just reminiscing how the leap felt from games on PS2, to the way they looked on 360, since that dropped before ps3. Even the early games. Remember seeing how amazing gears of war looked and was like damn, we really evolved. The jumps from PS1 to PS2 and PS2 to PS3 (ditto for Xbox) were the biggest upgrades in my opinion. Lol hell I remember seeing Madden playing on the ps2s at Best buy when they were still just coming out and being floored. We've come a long way. Man besides the red 💍 of death the 360 was a force to be reckoned with. I don't own Xbox anymore but feels like they fell off a bit. What was your favorite generation jump?
red ring of death was a plague.
Dudes were wrapping their console up in a towel just to turn it on, good times
Dudes were wrapping their console up in a towel just to turn it on, good times
Wow I forgot about this
red ring of death was a plague.
It was the goat of times it was the woat of times
7th generations obsession with earth tone/grey color palettes make most of the games look like s*** to me
Definitely one of the biggest leaps between generations. Hard to believe Gears of War came out less than 2 years after GTA San Andreas
Definitely one of the biggest leaps between generations. Hard to believe Gears of War came out less than 2 years after GTA San Andreas
Unreal engine
That moment for me was the dreamcast, sonic adventure was so next gen
Didn't get that feeling again till wandering around the streets of gta3
Dudes were wrapping their console up in a towel just to turn it on, good times
I did the penny thing
I remember my neighbor had a 360 before anybody else on the block. We’d all take turns running co-op on gears of war.
I was like 12 and the graphics, violence it all blew my mind
My first 360 game was Forza Motorsport 2 and I remember being blown away by how realistic I thought the cars looked
I feel like I took the 360 graphics for granted… all I knew is I was playing some great games and having the time of my life. I didn’t appreciate the little things like I do now. Now that I’m older I feel like appreciation for a games design is half the fun for me
Dudes were wrapping their console up in a towel just to turn it on, good times
i remember doing this
i remember doing this
Y'all know what's funny for as long as I had my 360 I don't remember even experiencing the red ring. Just know a bunch of people did cuz it was so prevalent and talked about. Got lucky I guess. Bet the dude I finally sold it to get a month later
modded ps2 and 360 i was feasting
Man for some reason this makes me think of GameShark with them over the top ass cheats lol. Glad we evolved but definitely miss certain aspects of how gaming was then. Hell for all I know GameShark still exists
Man for some reason this makes me think of GameShark with them over the top ass cheats lol. Glad we evolved but definitely miss certain aspects of how gaming was then. Hell for all I know GameShark still exists
i had one it was kind of a pain in the ass to use but it was fun to mess around with at the time 😂
Still remember my first next gen game was NBA 2K6 and that s*** blew me tf away
Man I remember just being at a store and seeing the back cover of that and live and being mesmerized lol. I remember live had a big pic of D. Wade as the centerpiece and he had all this sweat and detail s*** looked fire 🔥 at the time
Edit: yeah I knew I wasn't tripping lol
when I played gta iv for the first time I screamed "mom look, this looks like real life"