7th generations obsession with earth tone/grey color palettes make most of the games look like s*** to me
I agree that a lot of games had that style. The jump in graphics aren't debatable though. Preference on the art style or color palette is a personal thing.
That moment for me was the dreamcast, sonic adventure was so next gen
Didn't get that feeling again till wandering around the streets of gta3
Man I wanted a DC so bad when it first first dropped. Had seen people playing Sonic and Shenmue and was blown away. Wasn't able to finally get one until the hype died quite a bit but it was still a dope console. The Dreamcast actually gives me an idea for a thread too
Man I remember I had the cheap 360 and not the silver plated disk drive one too Less memory I think too but I don't remember
360 when it first came out was one of the dopest machines. I'll always remember seeing Call of Duty 3 on the 360 in Target and seeing how advanced that s*** looked.
Almost made me switch from Playstation, if it wasn't for paid online and the red ring of death.
I do but i always played games on pc so my evolution was more so like super mario 64 to half life 2 that shocked me the most
The jump from gamecube to 360 was insane though
to be fair dan andreas is no where close to the best looking ps2 game
Right, while SA looks amazing for its scale and all the content stuffed in it, definitely games like metal gear solid 2 and 3., God of War 2, Final Fantasy X were some of the showpieces.
when I played gta iv for the first time I screamed "mom look, this looks like real life"
I remember not just tripping off how detailed the city was but actually being most impressed with Niko's walk cycle and how when you turned him he leaned into it like a real person
I remember not just tripping off how detailed the city was but actually being most impressed with Niko's walk cycle and how when you turned him he leaned into it like a real person
I spent hours just driving with a fast car and jump out and ragdoll until niko dies
Man I remember just being at a store and seeing the back cover of that and live and being mesmerized lol. I remember live had a big pic of D. Wade as the centerpiece and he had all this sweat and detail s*** looked fire 🔥 at the time
Edit: yeah I knew I wasn't tripping lol
You real as hell bro we were really living the same life
Will never forget seeing COD 2 on the 360, at a Gamestop, playing on an HDTV. Pretty sure I walked up to the kiosk with my mouth open, first time playing a 360 so I didn't know what I was doing. Still till this day, I think PS2 to 360 was the biggest leap in gaming ever, especially when you factor in HD.
Right, while SA looks amazing for its scale and all the content stuffed in it, definitely games like metal gear solid 2 and 3., God of War 2, Final Fantasy X were some of the showpieces.
final fantasy 12 is a texture/lighting pack away from 7th gen
Back then when there was a true gap yeah
The last gen is a scam to me
Only gta 6 can change my mind
Back then when there was a true gap yeah
The last gen is a scam to me
Only gta 6 can change my mind
You'll never see a gap like that occur again
When the ps3 dropped was the last time something felt like space age tech. Thats when sony still had standalone stores in the mall and seeing everything on "state of the art" tv's blew me away... i still wanted a 360 more tho lmao
would never forget. Remember seeing gta 4 gameplay for the first time and thinking how the f*** was this possible
Dead Rising was that delineation to me
My young brain couldn't understand at the time why everything looked small and weird because it was meant for 720p/1080p so a month later when i got a HDTV that s*** blew my mind with how sharp and clear s*** was
I think the thing that changed in the 2000s vs the 90s is that everyone had access to the new stuff at the same time as everyone else whereas before Japan got so much stuff first, or if you happened to live in one of the global cities where importing was way more common and arcades where prevalent you may have had better exposure to s*** to the random kid in middle america buying random licensed games from kb toys
final fantasy 12 is a texture/lighting pack away from 7th gen
Forgot all about that definitely
7th generations obsession with earth tone/grey color palettes make most of the games look like s*** to me
I like how nearly two decades has passed and you can still tell which dev decided to use Unreal for their games just because it has "that" look.
You'll never see a gap like that occur again
The graphics are probably close to plateauing. But the gap, if there will be one that big again, will have to come from things like AI, number of characters on screen, destructible environments, etc.
i only had a wii
Man I remember how hard that s*** was to get when it first dropped
My whole house wanted one. I had finally called GameStop one day, and they had one in stock, which was unheard of during that time period. lmao and I didn't even have a car yet. No bus route went there either. I walked my ass like 5 miles there and 5 back to cop that s***
Good times