He could. It's facts. You think making a movie about a historical figure with an all-star cast would be difficult for someone of Nolan's caliber
It’s sad that you think directing is as simple as point the camera and shoot. Could he TECHNICALLY do it? Duh anybody could technically do it, Spike could technically do Insterllar. But it would be dog s*** because Nolan wouldn’t have the same emotional connection OR knowledge OR relatability to the source material, he would simply be doing it for the sake of doing it which never resonates well on film.
he's black which makes the trolling even worse
Nah I’m bout to stop taking ppls word just cus they say “oh I’m black too”
Detroit OUT NOW
Directed by a WHITE woman director
And imagine if a black director did it, would have been a way better film.
And I like Bigelow too, Hurt Locker is great.
Nolan could definitely do Malcolm x. Why are y’all saying he can’t? Malcolm’s x source material is out there due to history.
Lmaooo stop
I haven’t liked a Nolan film since The Prestige 17 years ago.
Batman Begins is still the best Batman movie in my lifetime, Memento and Insomnia are great but that’s all he got for me.
I said filmography. All of their films.
REEEAAALLL interesting this turned into a race based convo. Of course if spike Lee stans are here then....cough cough.
You heard it here folks, no comparing black and white directors.
Nigga you started this thread off saying Nolan could make Malcolm X, a film based around RACE. Don’t play victim now.
Crine at the fact op just made this thread to tell anyone choosing Spike that they're wrong
Crine at the fact op just made this thread to tell anyone choosing Spike that they're wrong
and get s***ted on in the process
and memento not even a classic
It is imo, I love it. But it’s safe to say if Oppenheimer doesn’t hit, Nolan’s best days is behind him.
Now Spike on the other hand has too many classics.
ok im not driving anymore so i can respond faster
Don’t waste ya time c00n
I haven’t liked a Nolan film since The Prestige 17 years ago.
Batman Begins is still the best Batman movie in my lifetime, Memento and Insomnia are great but that’s all he got for me.
whelp. sorry you dont like the peak he is releasing. to each their own tho.
the prestige is goated tho
Nigga you started this thread off saying Nolan could make Malcolm X, a film based around RACE. Don’t play victim now.
WHAT VICTIM lol. since when was clarifying statements seen as being a victim.
you know its true tho. he could do it
Inception isn't an original concept, ofc Spike could do it if he drew inspiration from other sources.
Yeah, Spike was really “inspired” when making that piece of s*** Oldboy remake.
Crine at the fact op just made this thread to tell anyone choosing Spike that they're wrong
you see the vision