  • Dec 17, 2022
    brest milk

    So in other words, you want to have s***with Ronaldo

    F*** no

    I’m saying Ronaldos image distorts peoples judgement on how good a player he is

    It contributes to his fame. Beckham got the same treatment

    Ronaldo having 500m ig followers for example

    Messis way more introverted

  • Dec 17, 2022
    brest milk

    So in other words, you want to have s***with Ronaldo

    There’s other factors like Ronaldo playing for Man U and Real Madrid though

    Please don’t be a d*** about it though and actually read what I’m saying

  • Dec 17, 2022

    But Messi’s been clear of Ronaldo

  • Dec 17, 2022
    1 reply

    Bro said Shaq would drop 60 on prime Rodman I’m crying

  • Dec 17, 2022
    2 replies

    Probably bolt. Ronaldo should be the representative of soccer tho

  • Dec 17, 2022
    1 reply

    Elaborate my guy

    He’s Argentinian

  • Dec 17, 2022
    1 reply
    The Darkest Angel

    LeBron he was supposed to pass Jordan by now but at this point I think his legacy has peaked as high as it will. Jordan is still the GOAT to the majority and no one has come close

    This actually describes Tiger and Nicklaus tbh lol

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 17, 2022

    He’s Argentinian

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 17, 2022
    A Calm Ye

    Bro said Shaq would drop 60 on prime Rodman I’m crying

    I mean...

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 17, 2022

    This actually describes Tiger and Nicklaus tbh lol

    ya but Nicklaus close to like a wilt than a Jordan ngl, maybe somewhere in the middle

  • Dec 17, 2022
    1 reply

    You could argue Messi not winning the UCL since Xavi and Iniesta retired is a major sticking point to his career, but he's still the goat.

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 17, 2022

    You could argue Messi not winning the UCL since Xavi and Iniesta retired is a major sticking point to his career, but he's still the goat.

    no World Cup too

  • AR15

    The answer is usain or tiger cuz like nobody cares

  • Bron Bron in year 20 still going crazy and showing the young bucks he got it. Bro finna be 38 and playing at such a high level. I honestly don’t see anyone coming close to Lebron for another 20+ years.

  • Dec 17, 2022

    Brady. Them niggas cheated and the refs helped him. And he lost to Elon of all people.

  • Dec 17, 2022


  • Dec 17, 2022

    I want to say Tiger cus of the sport, but man had like the absolute best career arch, so I have to say Usain Bolt, cus ppl really only watch him once every 4 years.

  • Dec 17, 2022

    put me on prime Barca and I could score like that

  • Dec 17, 2022
    1 reply

    oooh so a guy can throw a ball real well wow I'm supposed to be impressed? these "legends" need to get over themselves

    What can you do what others can’t lol

  • Dec 17, 2022
    1 reply

    I feel like Messi or LeBron is the obvious choice here

  • Dec 17, 2022
    2 replies

    Golf is hard but it's literally impossible for some people to go pro at most of these sports, the physicality/build/athleticism is a barrier to entry for the average person, whereas it's not with golf

    So idk factoring that in along with them being GOAT at their sport makes their achievements even more impressive

    Isnt this backwards thinking, isn’t it way harder to be the best at a sport that everybody can do like golf/non American football/sprinting, instead of things like American Football/Basketball that you got to be a certain length or build for?

  • Dec 17, 2022
    1 reply

    Isnt this backwards thinking, isn’t it way harder to be the best at a sport that everybody can do like golf/non American football/sprinting, instead of things like American Football/Basketball that you got to be a certain length or build for?

    Maybe, but the competition pool for something like golf is way, way smaller than running or soccer or even basketball. Practically everyone on earth runs, so if you're known as the fastest runner on earth, that's more impressive to me than being the GOAT of a sport that's comparatively niche.

    If you're the GOAT of soccer, you have almost certainly faced tougher competition historically than if you're the GOAT of golf. I saw a survey that said there are 250 million soccer players on earth and only around 67 million golfers, so the difference there is substantial.

    That's my logic anyway.

  • Dec 17, 2022

    Maybe, but the competition pool for something like golf is way, way smaller than running or soccer or even basketball. Practically everyone on earth runs, so if you're known as the fastest runner on earth, that's more impressive to me than being the GOAT of a sport that's comparatively niche.

    If you're the GOAT of soccer, you have almost certainly faced tougher competition historically than if you're the GOAT of golf. I saw a survey that said there are 250 million soccer players on earth and only around 67 million golfers, so the difference there is substantial.

    That's my logic anyway.

    Yeah sorry that was what I meant
