like who are the cool kids that really have the influence these days, ie Ian Connor, Zack Bia, Luka n etc.
Maybe these guys still have some hype but not culture shifting like before, is there any new people in the new gen or is like being cool just not a thing with the younger crowd?
Please shut the f*** up
shut up
like who are the cool kids that really have the influence these days, ie Ian Connor, Zack Bia, Luka n etc.
Maybe these guys still have some hype but not culture shifting like before, is there any new people in the new gen or is like being cool just not a thing with the younger crowd?
So are we changing the meaning of cool once more
thread flop already damn
That’s what happens when you make a thread calling a rapist a cool kid
If you ever question your morality there are people who wake up look in the mirror and care more about somebody's outfit dynasty than they do their 20+ rape accusations
Ian was never cool
u just lying to urself
just exposed yourself