I do f*** with Zack though
if you're reading this zack, I need a field trip record internship thanks
u just lying to urself
anyone who says Ian wasn't cool is dumb, he had serious influence in youth culture at one point and prob the most from anyone, anyway this thread isn't about Ian tho
yeah thats why im saying what the next wave, Bia n etc still big in LA but seems like the tik tok kids took over and they are soooo laaammee holy
Yeah maybe bad the s*** deleted my comment after double post... but yeah that tik tok s*** is ass
anyone who says Ian wasn't cool is dumb, he had serious influence in youth culture at one point and prob the most from anyone, anyway this thread isn't about Ian tho
Still wasn’t cool
anyone who says Ian wasn't cool is dumb, he had serious influence in youth culture at one point and prob the most from anyone, anyway this thread isn't about Ian tho
they just want to ride wave of hating on him acting like he didnt have a bunch of dipshits trying to dress like him
the kids look up to Sofaygo, Slayworld, Travis, Carti, Uzi
who else am i missing
Ian only was cool for same people who used to unironically buy VLONE stuff and now are mad about VLONE “falling off”
Ian only was cool for same people who used to unironically buy VLONE stuff and now are mad about VLONE “falling off”
he had heavy influence on rocky travis carti kanye all them so to act like no one fw'd him at one point is just lying
he had heavy influence on rocky travis carti kanye all them so to act like no one fw'd him at one point is just lying
People fw lames all the time this is just the way it goes
the kids look up to Sofaygo, Slayworld, Travis, Carti, Uzi
who else am i missing
why sofaygo a thing, his music only aiight
he had heavy influence on rocky travis carti kanye all them so to act like no one fw'd him at one point is just lying
asap rocks and kanye were done before ian connor came along
why sofaygo a thing, his music only aiight
he got potential and he talented. plus now he a cactus jack
yeah thats why im saying what the next wave, Bia n etc still big in LA but seems like the tik tok kids took over and they are soooo laaammee holy
people thought the same about these niggas whats new