And how do you know he hasn’t already tried doing that
I don’t but there’s two sides to every story here op is painting his brother like a menace to society and we’re all supposed to just go with it and even so u shouldn’t be publicly humiliating ur own blood like that for the online world to see
As someone with addicts for brothers who have stolen a ridiculous amount of $ from me and our family, I can deeply relate @op
Y’all really giving 40k to some musty ass dudes and act surprised when you get scammed?
Nah however he managed to pull off that finess being such a mess means he deserves that 40k tbh 😭
Been in ops shoes never once did I air out my personal family matters online, ktt no less. Dr lein = lean drinking Cain ass loser I have no respect for that dude for doing so even if it reaches a boiling point u still gotta keep ur chin up and keep contact and still make the small efforts to try to rectify the issues that are all so glaring, it’s like if ur stuck with a ticking time bomb ur first instinct would and always will be to try to diffuse it why would u wanna wait for it blow in ur face?
what op did is the exact opposite he escalated s*** made this thread to s*** on his brother cuz he gave up all hope on his own blood and good brothers don’t do that s*** I don’t care what they’ve done making a thread to s*** on ur brother is one thing but doin so solely for ktts amusement is so clearly some foul cain ass s*** but I’m glad it got the opposite effect for the most part and backfired on op
Ur saying he’s venting I say it’s a joke to him; using this as a thinly veiled hate thread on his big bro. What ur describing is that of weak minded family who give up after doing just above the bare minimum I don’t wanna hear s*** about how it intervenes with other ppls lives real family don’t just stop giving a s***. I agree tho that obv ops brother needs to pull his own weight up if he intends to come out of this phase, the best way to do that is to get to the core of it whether ops family have done that or not only op knows
Lol bro, I tried to respect you and read it but I could see right away you think you know OP & his situation. You don't. I didn't bother after that first sentence.
Life is all about choices u can choose to be a s***ty brother and air out his dirty laundry for all the world to see or u can keep it in the family save ur brother from crucifixion. In Islam it says to not publicize ur sins out openly Im pretty sure it goes the same for not openly humiliating ur brothers in public as well
Nobody knows his f***ing brother dude
Yea I don’t fw u bro if u neglect ur own blood like that no matter what they done u my Opp rn
you’re definitely white
How you get scammed out of 40k and still let them sleep in your house lol. Put a hit on them or kick them out cause ain’t no way
Worse person I know is an old roommate
Beat his girl then threatened to kill himself if she left
Then blamed the hitting on my other roommate
They’re still going strong
Which is terrible bc I would’ve teared that ass up. Would’ve made a honest woman out of her
you’re definitely white
Ouuuu white ouuuu black suck this rainbow d*** cuh
Nobody knows his f***ing brother dude
It’s about ethics
bro is trying too hard to type like that
Welcome to the internet moment 🤥
Y’all really giving 40k to some musty ass dudes and act surprised when you get scammed?
yeah ngl it’s kinda natural selection at that stage