  • Sep 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Your point being

    Uhhh in response to my original post about cheating. If he can look past someone stealing 40k from family then why is cheating something he can’t forgive? Both are huge betrayals of trust.

    In response to you. I’m just being facetious

  • Sep 1, 2023
    mr get dough

    You don’t have to fw someone just bc they’re related to u tho tbh

    i dont f*** with like 90% of my family

  • Sep 1, 2023

    Uhhh in response to my original post about cheating. If he can look past someone stealing 40k from family then why is cheating something he can’t forgive? Both are huge betrayals of trust.

    In response to you. I’m just being facetious


  • Sep 1, 2023
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    u dont think u could beat me up do you fool? I would hurt you

    i think you'd be surprised

  • Sep 1, 2023
    1 reply

    i think you'd be surprised

    I prepare for everything so surprises don’t happen trust me teddy brosevelt

  • Sep 1, 2023
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    I prepare for everything so surprises don’t happen trust me teddy brosevelt

    are you prepared for the forgiveness you're going to have to give yourself for underestimating a formidable foe such as myself brochacho

  • S P E A K S V O L U M E S

  • Sep 1, 2023
    1 reply

    I’ve seen 26 year old s*** heads become 35 year old valuable members of society

    Life is hard, and people get lost in the sauce, complain about it to your loved ones and close friends, but making a thread about it on ktt is OD

    bro why you care so much lmao

  • Sep 1, 2023
    2 replies

    bro why you care so much lmao

    I just believe anybody is capable of redemption

  • Sep 1, 2023
    1 reply

    are you prepared for the forgiveness you're going to have to give yourself for underestimating a formidable foe such as myself brochacho

    I like the way you think, we’re cool. Don’t make me harm you

  • Sep 1, 2023
    2 replies

    This postman that lives in my building.

  • plants 🌻
    Sep 1, 2023
    1 reply

    I’ve seen 26 year old s*** heads become 35 year old valuable members of society

    Life is hard, and people get lost in the sauce, complain about it to your loved ones and close friends, but making a thread about it on ktt is OD

    talking s*** abt ur family to ur close friends worse than some basically anonymous ranting on a forum imo

    its like ppl who talk s*** on your SO to their friends, but then the SO turns a corner and becomes a true loving partner, but the friends still think they're a s***ter no matter what the person says otherwise

    nobody on ktt knows this dude or his family, it's literally harmless venting

  • Sep 1, 2023
    Jerry Seinfeld

    This postman that lives in my building.

  • Sep 1, 2023
    1 reply

    talking s*** abt ur family to ur close friends worse than some basically anonymous ranting on a forum imo

    its like ppl who talk s*** on your SO to their friends, but then the SO turns a corner and becomes a true loving partner, but the friends still think they're a s***ter no matter what the person says otherwise

    nobody on ktt knows this dude or his family, it's literally harmless venting

    I didn’t say talk s*** about him, but there are obvious conversations that need to be had in his circle, and not just once, everybody is so disconnected these days it’s sad

  • Czy ⚔️
    Sep 1, 2023
    1 reply

    I feel everything you said but you have no idea how much OP & his family have put into rehabilitating him, You shouldn't make the assumption they haven't tried.

    You may be speaking from personal experience but what i can tell is that in your personal experience you've never had someone take you there. Get you to that point. At some point when trying to rehab someone else interferes with your life and your other love ones it's time to move on. I'm speaking from experience. You can not dedicate your life to rehabilitate someone elses. Especially when they seem more invested in ruining their life than assisting you in fixing THEIR life.

    Not only that, but you can love somebody as much as you want but you cant impose your will on them. Someone happy in their ways would just lead to you wasting your time and money. That's exhausting on multiple fronts. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually & financially.

    I think it's best you didn't just assume that the most OP has done in regards to this topic(HE/SHES OWN FAMILY) is run to KTT and rant...

    Been in ops shoes never once did I air out my personal family matters online, ktt no less. Dr lein = lean drinking Cain ass loser I have no respect for that dude for doing so even if it reaches a boiling point u still gotta keep ur chin up and keep contact and still make the small efforts to try to rectify the issues that are all so glaring, it’s like if ur stuck with a ticking time bomb ur first instinct would and always will be to try to diffuse it why would u wanna wait for it blow in ur face?

    what op did is the exact opposite he escalated s*** made this thread to s*** on his brother cuz he gave up all hope on his own blood and good brothers don’t do that s*** I don’t care what they’ve done making a thread to s*** on ur brother is one thing but doin so solely for ktts amusement is so clearly some foul cain ass s*** but I’m glad it got the opposite effect for the most part and backfired on op

    Ur saying he’s venting I say it’s a joke to him; using this as a thinly veiled hate thread on his big bro. What ur describing is that of weak minded family who give up after doing just above the bare minimum I don’t wanna hear s*** about how it intervenes with other ppls lives real family don’t just stop giving a s***. I agree tho that obv ops brother needs to pull his own weight up if he intends to come out of this phase, the best way to do that is to get to the core of it whether ops family have done that or not only op knows

  • plants 🌻
    Sep 1, 2023

    I didn’t say talk s*** about him, but there are obvious conversations that need to be had in his circle, and not just once, everybody is so disconnected these days it’s sad

    i use talkin s*** and complaining interchangeably thats on me

    i still think my point stands but I can see where u and others itt is coming from

  • Czy ⚔️
    Sep 1, 2023
    1 reply
    kenni nixon

    OK, I'm high as s*** and appreciate the contrarian sthick, it's fr making me laugh, but man look

    We were all born in a state of Islam (submission to God) since, as babies, that's all we know how to do just be ourselves.

    As we get older, many of us stray due to family/society pushing their values/religion onto us, causing us to be led astray until we make the choice to go back to our submission, or at least to the best of our ability to be able to return to that earlier state of goodness that you mentioned.

    It's important to remember this, because until OP's brother makes the choice to make amends to his people (and hopefully repent, but the former is the focus of where I'm going with this), he's willfully stealing from his family, which isn't Kosher and the disdain OP feels comes from that same place of purity you mention of seeing his family get hurt.

    Life is all about choices u can choose to be a s***ty brother and air out his dirty laundry for all the world to see or u can keep it in the family save ur brother from crucifixion. In Islam it says to not publicize ur sins out openly Im pretty sure it goes the same for not openly humiliating ur brothers in public as well

  • OldAssChampion

    I just believe anybody is capable of redemption


  • Czy ⚔️
    Sep 1, 2023
    1 reply

    How do you jump from venting about your d***gie deadbeat brother leeching off of everyone around him and stealing $40k to encouraging abuse on elders???? Why the f*** are you THIS invested in this thread bruv??? Lol

    He must’ve deleted the post lol such a spineless little man @Mitchell

  • Sep 1, 2023
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    I like the way you think, we’re cool. Don’t make me harm you

    dont make me kiss you the way you're talking to me

  • Sep 1, 2023
    2 replies

    dont make me kiss you the way you're talking to me

    Typo fam? You mean kill right?

  • Sep 1, 2023
    2 replies
    mr get dough

    Typo fam? You mean kill right?

    He meant kiss.

  • mr get dough

    Typo fam? You mean kill right?

  • Sep 1, 2023
    1 reply

    He meant kiss.
