I haven’t thought that through but just as an on the spot idea
You can order other specialists to ride with you
So if you think you may have a seizure your driver will pick up a seizure specialist on the way
IV specialist, Blood loss specialist etc
again, the cost would be waaaay lower than receiving any of those in a ambulance
This has not been discussed on social media from what I’ve seen so this one is my own personal view
This one has me screeching :
Imagine some poor Uber driver trying to keep his 2008 KIA soul steady while a Spinal surgeon and hematologist try to perform surgery on you in the backseat
Blood splurting all over the roof and s***
And at the end of the car ride you tip the driver eight bucks and tell him sorry bro while the doctors physically carry you into the freelance healer clinic because they only have 1 stretcher
People can't even do ass injections and this guy wants them to do full on surgery lmao
my body my choice
Everything can be learnt on YouTube using step by step instructions
I’m sure everyone on kttt can follow instructions lol
Hope this is ironic bruh you can't simulate medical school education via YouTube lol
Hope this is ironic bruh you can't simulate medical school education via YouTube lol
This sounds like an opinion of someone indoctrinated by what society has told them
I promise you everything can be found online. The beauty of the modern day internet!
Because they're dumb, let natural selection take its course
Had me in the first half ngl
Had me in the first half ngl
Get outta this thread man your iq will rot away within minutes
My hypochondriac ass can not even comprehend refusing to see a doctor if something seems seriously wrong
Im personally against hospitals and like to take a more hollistic approach when it comes to medical needs i cured my gonorrhea with some asparagus and beetroot powder recipes
Wait bruh so did you like just eat it lol
Bruh it’s not even hospitals it’s healthcare in America in general
The d*** companies, insurance companies, and government all working in tandem to help enact systematic poverty
Because they're dumb, let natural selection take its course
thats why i dont care about wearing mask for the sake of the unvaccinated.
Not this thread again
thats why i dont care about wearing mask for the sake of the unvaccinated.
what about children under 12 or the immunocompromised
what about children under 12 or the immunocompromised
They'll be aight. Most kids I see have parents who make em wear mask if they aren't vaccinated.
They'll be aight. Most kids I see have parents who make em wear mask if they aren't vaccinated.
As many anti maskers this country has, you think they’re really gonna make their children wear masks?
And there’s literally no way of knowing if someone is vaccinated just by looking
As many anti maskers this country has, you think they’re really gonna make their children wear masks?
And there’s literally no way of knowing if someone is vaccinated just by looking
ima live my life
Treat hospitals like the police
No hospitals have way too many underpaid and overworked nurses just tryna do their best
the establishment can be bad though
I see where they’re coming from tbh
By abolishing hospitals we cut out the middle man between us and good health
the people can become the new distributors of treatment and health
What the f*** do you think a hospital is. How are they a middleman?