  • Jul 24, 2024

    hmm, I've been assuming that historically slavery was always connected/driven by racism, and since we have prehistoric records of slavery that's where my "dawn of time" comment came from. one always have more to learn, however. thanks for taking the time and sharing that link with me

    the OG slave societies weren't racial caste systems like modern American slavery/triangle trade. slavery was simply a very basic and barbaric way to mobilize a lot of human labor in the service of creating a society, it was the next historic step after hunting & gathering. slaves in these societies often had upward mobility, basic rights, etc. of course it sucked being a slave in 1200 BC but this was weighed against the negatives of starving to death from having a s***ty harvest or running out of game to hunt.

    Perry Anderson wrote a really great book on the transition from ancient slave societies to feudalism, i also recommend that even if you only have a passing interest in history.

  • insertcoolnamehere โœŠ๐Ÿฟ
    Jul 24, 2024
    1 reply

    racism been around since the dawn of time and while it's always just been there to varying degrees it's also been used to leverage support both political and financial. I'm not saying that the only reason there's racism is because it's been created by oligarchs and media moguls and billionaires but it's certainly only being exacerbated by those people.

    the poor white man has more in common with the poor black man than he does the rich white man but that shared commonality has only ever been suppressed by those with the power to do so.

    that's my take anyway, I ain't saying it's the objective Truth but it seems to be a large part of the reality of our f***ed up situation

    Chattel type slavery =\= indentured servitude.

    Whites were the MJ when it came to innovating the slave game for sure.

  • plants ๐ŸŒป
    Jul 24, 2024

    Chattel type slavery =\= indentured servitude.

    Whites were the MJ when it came to innovating the slave game for sure.


    we learnin today!

  • insertcoolnamehere โœŠ๐Ÿฟ
    Jul 24, 2024

    people get easily offended because the times we living in are offensive as f*** lol.

    Classism has been the name of the game since feudalism. In America the problem is one demographic has always managed to somehow miss the mark on that.

    Yes. Poor blacks and poor whites have more alike than they do apart. I think in the 50s and 60s that's what organizations like the Rainbow Coalition founded by Fred was trying to get across.

    So why does that one demographic constantly miss the mark?

  • Jul 24, 2024

    Lol good one.

    Not offended.

    Iโ€™m just used to Ktt always trying to find any flaw in any post

    KTT easily setup for some of the most disingenuous conversation known to man

  • Jul 24, 2024

    You don't cuss around your mother. You don't cuss at work or around kids. You don't cuss around a stranger you just met.

    You don't abstain from cussing to avoid getting "cancelled". Neither do you feel "oppressed" that you are expected not to cuss. You abstain out of consideration for others and because you understand it would reflect on you poorly.

    Now, this is only true personally in your day to day life. Adult life to be specific. Children might just want to provoke. If you're a rapper in 1998 or a show on Comedy Central or a YouTuber, there might be an incentive to offend people. There are a lot of children in your audience. And how you offend people changes with the time.

    I do think there's plenty of good and interesting art that rides the line. There's just a whole economy of lazy offense farming as well.