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  • Jun 22, 2021

    Cause top never been free

  • Jun 22, 2021
    1 reply

    I’ve had girls pay for me🤷🏿‍♂️

  • Jun 22, 2021

  • Jun 22, 2021

    I’ve had girls pay for me🤷🏿‍♂️

    are they paying for your hair and nails to?

  • dawg

    When it comes to dating? I don’t mess with that drive me somewhere cause you not riding with me unless you got gas money.

    Let’s just talk about initial dating for now. I don’t mind paying for the first two meals but if I’m not fw like that I’m not gonna keep coming out of my pockets. That s*** really a red flag when ever I hear someone say men should be expected to pay for nails/food/hair when we literally are not obligated to do that s***.

    The s*** cray but we stacking paper over here

    you pay for the meal if you invite her. that's it bro lol. everything else is up to yall two and how yall want to live

  • Oh god

    gonna be one of those days in Life sxn

  • Jun 22, 2021
    1 reply
    Okay Yeah

    You need to upgrade the people you’re dating because that is not the normal expectation

    Paying for someone’s nails

    wym it’s not lmao this is a very common expectation. most women would prefer you pay for s*** unless she’s especially independent.

    There are literally whole pages on social media based on shaming men for being “brokies” or not successful enough. Telling women he’s not worth the time to get to know if he isn’t a breadwinner or at a point in his life where he can pay for everything and provide this lavish lifestyle for them.

  • Naw, with my ex we would split depending on what it was but most times for food and etc I would pay.

    Only time I payed for her to get anything done was her birthday and I sent her to have a manicure, pedicure, and get her eyebrows done.

  • Jun 22, 2021

    I don’t pay for the first few dates, but if we continue on and start to get serious then yea I have no problem paying

  • Jun 22, 2021
    HURRY UP kiddash3r

    Paying for nails and hair might be the most deranged s*** ive seen

    She might as well get this man to pay her tuition while she at it

  • Jun 22, 2021
    2 replies

    Damn op been getting played

  • Jun 22, 2021

    Damn op been getting played

    Nah I don’t do all that lmao it’s mainly like these internet memes I see of men’s expectations. And some old head went on and on about it with me at work the other day

  • Jun 22, 2021

    Paying for her friends too is a power move tho, ifykyk

  • Jun 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Its all up to you op. Whatever works for both of you.

    I've been dating my girl for 3 months and I usually pay all of our meals, i dont mind cus she a dope woman fr. She has offered to pay a couple times and she pays our rides and tips sometimes too.

    Also, when we are at her place, i pay for the ingredients and she cooks. She is jobless rn but one time i forgot my wallet and she payed, so I'm sure she has a good heart and if we ever get married we gonna split bills and responsibilities.

    We make a good team and thats my kind of girl, ride or die.

  • Jun 23, 2021
    2 replies

    This topic is so tired lol. If you inviting shorty out, you pay, if she invite you out, she pay. Do any of y’all f*** with women that actually like you or women in general lol. The f***, the most pointless ass debates are s*** like this because in the real world mfs know wassup. And as far as gifts and getting your shorty hair and nails done, nobody expect it but they don’t expect you to police how they get their s*** done if you not paying for it.

  • Jun 23, 2021
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    This topic is so tired lol. If you inviting shorty out, you pay, if she invite you out, she pay. Do any of y’all f*** with women that actually like you or women in general lol. The f***, the most pointless ass debates are s*** like this because in the real world mfs know wassup. And as far as gifts and getting your shorty hair and nails done, nobody expect it but they don’t expect you to police how they get their s*** done if you not paying for it.

  • Jun 23, 2021

    i’ll buy my b**** a wig, f*** it

  • The traditional role of a man is to provide for a woman so that has transformed over thousands of years to paying for dates and whatnot. Just do what I do and if it’s a first date don’t do nothing expensive. The movies are always perfect.

  • Jun 23, 2021
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    This topic is so tired lol. If you inviting shorty out, you pay, if she invite you out, she pay. Do any of y’all f*** with women that actually like you or women in general lol. The f***, the most pointless ass debates are s*** like this because in the real world mfs know wassup. And as far as gifts and getting your shorty hair and nails done, nobody expect it but they don’t expect you to police how they get their s*** done if you not paying for it.

    Bro what type that again with punctuation idk what you’re trying to say

  • Jun 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Bro what type that again with punctuation idk what you’re trying to say

    The level of irony in this post is over 9000 b

  • A Mad Ass Nigga

    The level of irony in this post is over 9000 b

    Yeah but niggas know I don’t use punctuation you can’t do that s*** unless I give you the green light bro 💯

  • Jun 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Its all up to you op. Whatever works for both of you.

    I've been dating my girl for 3 months and I usually pay all of our meals, i dont mind cus she a dope woman fr. She has offered to pay a couple times and she pays our rides and tips sometimes too.

    Also, when we are at her place, i pay for the ingredients and she cooks. She is jobless rn but one time i forgot my wallet and she payed, so I'm sure she has a good heart and if we ever get married we gonna split bills and responsibilities.

    We make a good team and thats my kind of girl, ride or die.

    Bro you actually have a good relationship? That’s cringe bro

  • Jun 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Bro you actually have a good relationship? That’s cringe bro

    mmm, yeah. I actually do.

    How is that cringe? lol

  • Jun 23, 2021
    2 replies

    Even when we go in separate cars i pay for her gas

    Fam you're kidding right?

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