  • Sep 24, 2022

    Look my main thing is that I think a state is the legitimate monopoly on violence not a byproduct of society trying to right itsef between two insoulable clasees. I think using this legitimate monopoly of violence to do ANYTHING is coercive and anti-liberty and I disagree with it, even if it’s used against really really bad people. I think when people gain control of this they corrupt themselves morally and do reprehensible things, even if that one good guy made use of a state that one time. I just don’t believe that heiarchy is anything but coercive and oppressive, and I don’t think any of the things I just mentioned are wholly controversial or objectionable, to me they seem completely reasonsble, and something that I thinn people can surmise with common sense. In fact, its this kind of ubiquity of thought that I think makes anarchism so powerful, and why ultimately I think we’ll win out against the fash, both the conservative fash and the red fash

    Yeah you're a clown

  • Sep 24, 2022

    anyone who says "red fash" isn't worth the time lmao

  • Sep 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Also the a***ysis is just weak. "the state is just a monopoly on violence it has nothing to do with class conflict"

    mfer how do you thinkt he monopoly on violence was established

  • Sep 24, 2022
    1 reply

    You're talking about "we should admit this", "don't you believe in that", nigga it doesn't matter. You can't wish any of these things away. Unless they are transcended you will either reproduce them or be devoured by them, the fate of every "communist" or "anarchist" project.

    I don’t agree, I think you prevent it by giving power to the people via municipal building and confederating communes of people, I think an organization of the people organized in this way would naturally be suspicious and resistant to rebuilding the shackles theyve been freed from

  • Sep 24, 2022

    Also, communist society is literally moneyless, stateless, classless. The point which the marxists-leninist are correct on is that there must first be a transition phase

  • Sep 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Ok you abolished the state. tomorrow, 19 capitalist socities are invading you. what do you do

  • Sep 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Also the a***ysis is just weak. "the state is just a monopoly on violence it has nothing to do with class conflict"

    mfer how do you thinkt he monopoly on violence was established

    I think it does have to do with class conflict insofar that the state is a tool used by capitalists to oppress others

  • Sep 24, 2022

    id say the things that are most attributed to the negatives of the cultural revolution are the kind of negation that happened as a result of the capitalist roaders. essentially people trying to move beyond the ML formulation of the state before the conditions were possible.

    id need to reread on the topic cuz this is pretty old stuff im remembering but id be interested on what you think about the excesses of the cultural revolution.

    i view the cultural revolution as a “state of exception” where the hidden wheels of normal society are to reviled to everyone, and by studying this state of exception you can see how the normal society was progressing. Like in one of the excess the Bejing Red guards under the bloodline theory, you can see capitalist/fascist ideology growing in these kids of cadres with a red paint claiming that everyone that doesn’t have a a revolutionary bloodline is a black hand, and must follow the lead of the revolutionary blood.

    As well you see the genuine future of socialist society in the shanghai episode, where the workers actually took control of the city.

    My critique of the GPCR isn’t well formulated rn but it’s roughly that Mao denial of the negation of the negation lead to a poor understanding how the GPCR should go out, leading to the left being defeated either demobilization of mass movements, and bringing in the army to support the “left”. He saw every negation being its own affirmation which i disagree on, he used socialist society negating capitalist society and affirming itself. But what i always viewed it as is the crisis of capitalism negating itself then the socialist revolution being the negation of negation and then socialist construction being the affirmation, and i think this incorrect understanding is what lead the GPCR failing .

  • Sep 24, 2022

    But the state will ALWAYS oppress, NEVER liberate. Just because a good guy like Sankara had a state doesn’t mean it wasn’t still coercive and oppressive. Listen to his speeches forcing his followers to repeat ‘down with anarcho-syndaclists’! There can be no good guy with a state, if a state is oppressing the power of the former ruling class one day, you better believe it’ll be oppressing the power of the proletariat the next


  • Sep 24, 2022

    Ok you abolished the state. tomorrow, 19 capitalist socities are invading you. what do you do

    That’s why socialism in one state doesn’t work, you need a worldwide uplifiting of consciousness or revolution however you want to put it

  • Sep 24, 2022
    1 reply

    I think it does have to do with class conflict insofar that the state is a tool used by capitalists to oppress others

    you view it that way because we are in a capitalist society lol. the state can be used for other means

  • Sep 24, 2022
    1 reply

    you view it that way because we are in a capitalist society lol. the state can be used for other means

    That’s where we differ, I don’t think the state can be used non-oppresively

  • Sep 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Let the computers take over see how yall change your minds...

  • Sep 24, 2022
    1 reply

    That’s where we differ, I don’t think the state can be used non-oppresively

    yeah and what you dont realize is that oppressing fascists is good

  • Sep 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Let the computers take over see how yall change your minds...

    let some b****es take over ur d*** and you’ll see how u change ur mind

  • Sep 24, 2022
    3 replies

    yeah and what you dont realize is that oppressing fascists is good

    To what extent? You’ve taken all their wealth and power, now what? Keep oppressing them?

  • Sep 24, 2022

    To what extent? You’ve taken all their wealth and power, now what? Keep oppressing them?

    Until they change their mind yeah

  • Sep 24, 2022
    1 reply

    To what extent? You’ve taken all their wealth and power, now what? Keep oppressing them?

  • Sep 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Someone was a CEO giving people starvation wages while racking in millions per year burning fossil fuels and dumping toxic chemicals into marginalized communites.

    someone was a landlord forcing a single mom of 3 to commit sexual "favors" when she was short on rent

    someone was part of a white supremacist gang who terrorized black people and other minority groups and oh yeah he was also a cop

    could go on and on and i don't know why you're trying to make it seem like holding these people out of positions of influence is the logical decision lmao

    But you could just as well name ceos who were charitable and equitable, landlords who weren't absolutely s*** (I agree they're generally bad), and white supremacists who's brains are still developing and can be educated

  • Sep 24, 2022
    1 reply

    And I think thats f***ed up and an example of how using the state to oppress people isn’t a super duper idea when it comes to bettering society

  • Sep 24, 2022
    1 reply

    And I think thats f***ed up and an example of how using the state to oppress people isn’t a super duper idea when it comes to bettering society

    There are nazis we’re talking about

  • Sep 24, 2022
    2 replies

    There are nazis we’re talking about

    But people can mature, grow, change, imagine being held to the standard of the political ideals you held when you were 15 for the rest of your life

  • Sep 24, 2022

    But you could just as well name ceos who were charitable and equitable, landlords who weren't absolutely s*** (I agree they're generally bad), and white supremacists who's brains are still developing and can be educated

    Idc if there are "good" landlords or "good" ceos lol they all take part in exploitation and therefore should not have a say in society.

  • Sep 24, 2022

    But people can mature, grow, change, imagine being held to the standard of the political ideals you held when you were 15 for the rest of your life

    Def wasn't a nazi when I was 15

  • Sep 24, 2022
    1 reply

    To what extent? You’ve taken all their wealth and power, now what? Keep oppressing them?

    Absolutely. You clearly have no understanding of history and are just spouting off whatever comes into your head.
