But people can mature, grow, change, imagine being held to the standard of the political ideals you held when you were 15 for the rest of your life
Should they be arrested for their ideas? No. Should they be ostracized? Absolutely
I don’t agree, I think you prevent it by giving power to the people via municipal building and confederating communes of people, I think an organization of the people organized in this way would naturally be suspicious and resistant to rebuilding the shackles theyve been freed from
Even if you don't call this a state, it won't absorb everybody in a polity. In fact many will work to see its destruction, and these kinds of organizations have proved extremely vulnerable.
Absolutely. You clearly have no understanding of history and are just spouting off whatever comes into your head.
I’m just saying…it feels f***ed up and wrong to use a state to opress someone to the point that they’re penniless and grovelling and not offer them and redemption or re-entry into society. Do I think fascists will try anything to use their grubby hands to sieze power and influence people? Absolutely, history teaches us this. But they deserve a chance. You can’t just remove someones liberty. It sets a bad precedent and shows what you will do to those who disagree with you. Which is why you can look at every state socialist society and point to horrific political repression, free speech repression, repression of religion etc.
Even if you don't call this a state, it won't absorb everybody in a polity. In fact many will work to see its destruction, and these kinds of organizations have proved extremely vulnerable.
But we don’t want a polity, we want that decentralization, it’s our greatest strength
But we don’t want a polity, we want that decentralization, it’s our greatest strength
I mean geographical area.
I’m just saying…it feels f***ed up and wrong to use a state to opress someone to the point that they’re penniless and grovelling and not offer them and redemption or re-entry into society. Do I think fascists will try anything to use their grubby hands to sieze power and influence people? Absolutely, history teaches us this. But they deserve a chance. You can’t just remove someones liberty. It sets a bad precedent and shows what you will do to those who disagree with you. Which is why you can look at every state socialist society and point to horrific political repression, free speech repression, repression of religion etc.
the capitalist aren’t oppressed into poverty though in socialist societies they had political freedoms revoked yeah, but they were allowed to exist as regular citizens other wise, like look at the treatment the last emperor got in China, he was showed what his actions lead to like unit 731 and was reformed. The national bourgeoisie under the socialist period companies were forced into public-private ownership or expropriated completely (forgot which one) but were paid back on the interest
I’m just saying…it feels f***ed up and wrong to use a state to opress someone to the point that they’re penniless and grovelling and not offer them and redemption or re-entry into society. Do I think fascists will try anything to use their grubby hands to sieze power and influence people? Absolutely, history teaches us this. But they deserve a chance. You can’t just remove someones liberty. It sets a bad precedent and shows what you will do to those who disagree with you. Which is why you can look at every state socialist society and point to horrific political repression, free speech repression, repression of religion etc.
yeah repression of the fascists.
But we don’t want a polity, we want that decentralization, it’s our greatest strength
Can you break down what that decentralization would look like?
Like would everyone be completely on their own, would there be a power grid?
inb4 all the anarchists here place animals under them
almost in some sort of hierarchy
the capitalist aren’t oppressed into poverty though in socialist societies they had political freedoms revoked yeah, but they were allowed to exist as regular citizens other wise, like look at the treatment the last emperor got in China, he was showed what his actions lead to like unit 731 and was reformed. The national bourgeoisie under the socialist period companies were forced into public-private ownership or expropriated completely (forgot which one) but were paid back on the interest
But they had their political freedoms revoked, thats f***ed up. They can live as regular citizens but youve just taken a man and revoked his freedom, his liberty. No matter how great his sins in the past politically thats f***ed up.
Can you break down what that decentralization would look like?
Like would everyone be completely on their own, would there be a power grid?
Just a group of people in your neighborhood that you get together with sometimes to debate political s*** that links up with other groups of people to discuss political s*** thats voted on via consensus
inb4 all the anarchists here place animals under them
almost in some sort of hierarchy
I think the left has to realize that the vegans have the moral high ground and are correct, and that there cant be a liberation of society without also recognizing that all sentient beings have agency
Just a group of people in your neighborhood that you get together with sometimes to debate political s*** that links up with other groups of people to discuss political s*** thats voted on via consensus
I get that but what does that look like
How does an anarchist community keep itself warm in the winter
I get that but what does that look like
How does an anarchist community keep itself warm in the winter
It’s not like people stop doing their jobs just because they aren’t getting paid, the power grid would probably just be made public and power doled out by measure of need and availability. But I say probably, because anarchy is a process not a hard and fast set of ideals, it’s this ever growing thing that constantly grows and adopts to the whim of the people
Look my main thing is that I think a state is the legitimate monopoly on violence not a byproduct of society trying to right itsef between two insoulable clasees. I think using this legitimate monopoly of violence to do ANYTHING is coercive and anti-liberty and I disagree with it, even if it’s used against really really bad people. I think when people gain control of this they corrupt themselves morally and do reprehensible things, even if that one good guy made use of a state that one time. I just don’t believe that heiarchy is anything but coercive and oppressive, and I don’t think any of the things I just mentioned are wholly controversial or objectionable, to me they seem completely reasonsble, and something that I thinn people can surmise with common sense. In fact, its this kind of ubiquity of thought that I think makes anarchism so powerful, and why ultimately I think we’ll win out against the fash, both the conservative fash and the red fash
so the state saying “hey if you form a white supremacist organization who conducts terrorism against s black people, Jews and communists, we’re going to shut you down” is a problem for you lol?
But they had their political freedoms revoked, thats f***ed up. They can live as regular citizens but youve just taken a man and revoked his freedom, his liberty. No matter how great his sins in the past politically thats f***ed up.
like i said before it’s a state it’s oppressive, it has to defend itself against class enemies when it’s in a sea of capitalism, all your proposals will just make it easier for the revolution to go out in vain, have it all wasted for anything cause you assume that capitalist or fascist will play it fair and play by the the rules that you set up but history teaches us that’s far from the case, they will do anything to strangle a revolution in its cradle.
Like when you said debate the fascist, debating is something that requires two agents and the fascist don’t care about debating. The fascist want power and they’ll do anything to get it back and take advantage of every bone you throw their way. All your suggestions would be good if it was a fair playing field and everyone agrees to the rules of the anarchist organization but the enemies of anarchism, they don’t find your organization legitimate and won’t play by its rules.
Look my main thing is that I think a state is the legitimate monopoly on violence not a byproduct of society trying to right itsef between two insoulable clasees. I think using this legitimate monopoly of violence to do ANYTHING is coercive and anti-liberty and I disagree with it, even if it’s used against really really bad people. I think when people gain control of this they corrupt themselves morally and do reprehensible things, even if that one good guy made use of a state that one time. I just don’t believe that heiarchy is anything but coercive and oppressive, and I don’t think any of the things I just mentioned are wholly controversial or objectionable, to me they seem completely reasonsble, and something that I thinn people can surmise with common sense. In fact, its this kind of ubiquity of thought that I think makes anarchism so powerful, and why ultimately I think we’ll win out against the fash, both the conservative fash and the red fash
Just noticed you used the term “red fash” yeah lmao you’re ed as s***
People like you epitomize what is wrong with the so called left in western countries today. You and everyone that thinks like you are a cancer
so the state saying “hey if you form a white supremacist organization who conducts terrorism against s black people, Jews and communists, we’re going to shut you down” is a problem for you lol?
I think the people have the power to shut something like that down themselves without the intervention of a state. People can get together and be like hey we dont like this group of white nationalists, lets forcibly exile them or if theyre a massive threat have them imprisoned
I think the people have the power to shut something like that down themselves without the intervention of a state. People can get together and be like hey we dont like this group of white nationalists, lets forcibly exile them or if theyre a massive threat have them imprisoned
That’s literally a state structure lol
Just noticed you used the term “red fash” yeah lmao you’re ed as s***
People like you epitomize what is wrong with the so called left in western countries today. You and everyone that thinks like you are a cancer
But it’s so true, you don’t think the religious repression and attempted genocide of the Uyghurs isnt some fascist ass s***?
It’s not like people stop doing their jobs just because they aren’t getting paid, the power grid would probably just be made public and power doled out by measure of need and availability. But I say probably, because anarchy is a process not a hard and fast set of ideals, it’s this ever growing thing that constantly grows and adopts to the whim of the people
Yeah that’s kinda what I’m having an issue with
Like decentralization to me sounds like a buncha sovereign territories of individuals
Yeah that’s kinda what I’m having an issue with
Like decentralization to me sounds like a buncha sovereign territories of individuals
Yeah kinda right but thats the idea