I’d say critics do f*** with Drake tho besides a couple of albums.
He’s just not getting that unanimous Kanye, Kendrick type praise
And that’s okay
Unpopular opinion but
Take Care, NTWS, IFYRTITL > Concise/Cut down More Life, Views, and Scorpion
Nah this is the right opinion and its not even close
I get this point and you expressed it cogently but I think we need to pretty much ignore critics when it comes to pop and mainstream rap. Critics will do an excellent job at reviewing stuff that is specialist and more left-field, but to us plebs with uncultivated ears who want to just listen to something sonically pleasing and not admire the “harmonisation of the underlying aesthetic with the distortion of the instrumentation”, it’s pointless.
yeah i think critics are pretty meaningless in general. people seem to forget that you listen to music and that how it sounds is so much more important than whether it holds up to some "artistic standard"
that's why i don't really believe in guilty pleasures in music, if it sounds good it sounds good and there's no music that's less valid because of the perception of the artist or external factors.
i mean there's exceptions and stuff, because outside factors do influence how you perceive an album to an extent, but considering every artist wants their music to sound good, i don't think you can have good music that sounds bad or bad music that sounds good
What’s a filler? The f*** is concise? Since when did this ever matter? It’s all bullshit. One person may hate a song another person likes, don’t make any sense 😂
What’s a filler? The f*** is concise? Since when did this ever matter? It’s all bullshit. One person may hate a song another person likes, don’t make any sense 😂
filler is an extremely overused word and you're right that it is often used to describe songs that people just don't like but it does exist
What’s a filler? The f*** is concise? Since when did this ever matter? It’s all bullshit. One person may hate a song another person likes, don’t make any sense 😂
People just like to throw around buzzwords.
Same song someone might cut out, another person wouldn't think of removing.
Critics don’t even review anymore, they push their agendas or someone will pay them to push it. Drake is an easy target, every album he’s dropped since Thank Me Later has been hated from the moment it’s dropped, only on social media remember. Real world f***s with him heavy as the numbers show.
To be fair, More Life was well received across the board. Not as much as TC to IRYTITL but close. I think the main issue is that he’s been popping way too long. And, beefs affected his image. I saw countless critics review Scorpion negativity because they really thought he was hiding a child. March 14 for example, is a legitimately great and heartfelt song that was completely overshadowed by the perception after the beef. I saw critics dismiss the song as a pr move instead of exactly the kind of song dude would make in his situation. He can’t really win right now. There’s also a strain of critic who are either white or suburban black dudes who have always hated him for whatever they think he represents. They pounce whenever given the opportunity.
The exact way I feel about Lupe too, both of my favorite rappers who get treated as a joke from the critics. They just love mysterious, hipster-type of music so you gotta come to that realization. Not to mention they really don't review the music anymore, but the artist themselves
yeah i think critics are pretty meaningless in general. people seem to forget that you listen to music and that how it sounds is so much more important than whether it holds up to some "artistic standard"
that's why i don't really believe in guilty pleasures in music, if it sounds good it sounds good and there's no music that's less valid because of the perception of the artist or external factors.
i mean there's exceptions and stuff, because outside factors do influence how you perceive an album to an extent, but considering every artist wants their music to sound good, i don't think you can have good music that sounds bad or bad music that sounds good
Dope af post. This is why I can proudly say that I would rather play a Backstreet Boys Greatest Hits album than a Bon Iver album. I Want It That Way >>>>>
And Man Of The Woods is underrated af just because critics didn’t like it much.
9 times out of 10, if you look up a critic’s past feelings towards Drake they’ve “hated” him before they ever laid a finger to keystroke whatever it is. The music is being critiqued before it even drops most times. And even fair, objective critiques sometimes come with loads of backhanded compliments because people just are uncomfortable with dominance period.
Nobody is above critique. I just don’t put much weight into any of that kind of stuff no matter the artist or project, if I like something I like it, but you’d be surprised at the number of ppl who let critics steer their ship for them.
To be fair, More Life was well received across the board. Not as much as TC to IRYTITL but close. I think the main issue is that he’s been popping way too long. And, beefs affected his image. I saw countless critics review Scorpion negativity because they really thought he was hiding a child. March 14 for example, is a legitimately great and heartfelt song that was completely overshadowed by the perception after the beef. I saw critics dismiss the song as a pr move instead of exactly the kind of song dude would make in his situation. He can’t really win right now. There’s also a strain of critic who are either white or suburban black dudes who have always hated him for whatever they think he represents. They pounce whenever given the opportunity.
Tbf Scorpion was a mediocre album, but yea the beef just made things worse
@figarooooo and you fw Grimes?! salute. Just had Miss Anthropocene and Visions playing today while cleaning my house
no cap.
@figarooooo and you fw Grimes?! salute. Just had Miss Anthropocene and Visions playing today while cleaning my house
no cap.
she goes crazy
Tbf Scorpion was a mediocre album, but yea the beef just made things worse
It’s definitely not mediocre though. There are at minimum 3 skips on that album. I can understand Views criticism because there were several struggle bars. Scorpion however has great rapping and is solid across the board. Critics wanted a new father album after TSOA and were mad when it wasn’t that.
There’s also the fact that he doesn’t do socially conscious music which rubs some people the wrong way.
It’s definitely not mediocre though. There are at minimum 3 skips on that album. I can understand Views criticism because there were several struggle bars. Scorpion however has great rapping and is solid across the board. Critics wanted a new father album after TSOA and were mad when it wasn’t that.
Side A was quite solid but Side B was a letdown imo, I mean that's just me
drake is the definition of solid. he doesnt really take risks, and thats why he never misses.
he’ll never really have a 10/10 that way, but nothing below a 7 either
It’s definitely not mediocre though. There are at minimum 3 skips on that album. I can understand Views criticism because there were several struggle bars. Scorpion however has great rapping and is solid across the board. Critics wanted a new father album after TSOA and were mad when it wasn’t that.
I disagree somewhat, Drake doesn't make bad songs or skips per say. He just hasnt made anything in a while on his projects thats makes me go "Wow" or"Dis some Next level s***", which I would say mediocre, but its like more the musical definition of , "yea its cool or whatever".
NWTS, IYRTITL, and Take Care objectively should be rated way higher than they are
NWTS is a 79/100 on metacritic. A 79? In what world is NWTS only 79/100 - an album that cohesive & perfect?
IYRTITL and Take Care are both a 78. The f***?? Both are classics
I think the higher ups really are out to get Drake, how do his most quality projects get lowkey panned but mid albums that will be forgotten in 3 years get 80s/90s? This disrespect must be stopped!
inb4 “critical reviews don’t matter”
those are normally distributed ratings doot doot
Look at the guys from Passionweiss for example. A lot of those guys (apart from the few honest Drake defenders) hate him because he’s a biracial Canadian Jew who was also a child actor. They automatically view him as a manufactured plant who isn’t actually talented. I’ve read articles where they try to make an argument about why he’s a bad rapper by cherry picking an intentionally simple line. They ignore legitimate complex raps to fit their narrative. There’s also this weird complex that some white people have about him. Since he’s not a street rapper he’s automatically suspect. Which to me, is unconscious racism because young Aubrey is more representative of black males then a lot of rappers. There are more artsy black nerds than there are niggas cooking crack in a trap somewhere.
I disagree somewhat, Drake doesn't make bad songs or skips per say. He just hasnt made anything in a while on his projects thats makes me go "Wow" or"Dis some Next level s***", which I would say mediocre, but its like more the musical definition of , "yea its cool or whatever".
To me, songs like After Dark and March 14 make me go wow. There are several all time great Drake songs on that album. I think he’s set the bar so high that it’s harder and harder to please people. I will say that I’m more excited for his next album than the past few. Why? Because his songs resonate emotionally and detail issues in his life. He’s actually a father now with an almost 3 year old kid. That gives him so much more to talk about and an opportunity that shouldn’t be missed.