I'm not hanging with high schoolers but they're just probably working with whatever is hot
Yeah Nettspend isn't as good as Kendrick, but no one is as good as him so I can't blame the youngins
The past eras defined hip hop and Laid the groundwork. Our era solidified hip hop as a universal force in music, building it up. This current era is just having fun with the playground our era established. When the time comes, we’ll have another Kenny or Drake.
One thing i have noticed in kids born after 05-06 is they don't think for themselves. They're pretty apathetic towards everything and are easily manipulated. The "influencer" generation
We were dancing to cat daddy and s*** when I was in high school. This isn't some new thing
I won’t s*** on em
But I will say that they have nobody that is great
they listen to TikTok snippets not songs, reasons why artists like jack Harlow are capitalizing on that
its so garbage man
it's only bad taste from ur perspective. all ur rlly saying is u don't get what kids listen to these days, which is fine
don't worry abt it and enjoy ur music
They've been force-fed slop, it's not their fault. They could choose to look for alternative outlets but that's not convenient. Convenience is king in the modern age.