Also that's not even true i've seen ten times more threads about male losers than femcels
You are misusing that term. Also it's more about keep that same energy.
mfs live for clowning losers on here bro
I literally just said "Can't help but think it's easier to just not entertain either"
Fair enough but that's def not gonna happen on a forum where s*** like this is definitely gonna be discussed
mfs live for clowning losers on here bro
That's wild cause the site been crawling with them for the majority of this year.
I don't see anything wrong with the first two, personally.
The third I hope was satire buuut if not yeah thats some s***
Now try tweaking them to what a male equivalent would be and seeing how ridiculous that s*** sounds
“She’s just not good enough for you” lmao
Now try tweaking them to what a male equivalent would be and seeing how ridiculous that s*** sounds
“She’s just not good enough for you” lmao
You're talking about that tweet?
There aren't any genders speficied tho
That's wild cause the site been crawling with them for the majority of this year.
ok list em
So we are suddenly posting their s*** on KTT because...?
Like if we all agree losers are trash why the f*** would we start posting the female equivalent? Just to give the weirdos who got on KTT something to s*** on and feel comfortable/validated in?
Can't help but think it's easier to just not entertain either.
Because you rarely see the female equivalent so it’s interesting
Like dude said tho, the males get clowned too. Hell loser behavior kinda birthed responses like “just say you hate women” or “go __ you some b****es” and basically turned into KTT memes
better than reddit
The people ITT saying "no 4chan is the worst!!" lol
It's like their knowledge of that site is one step above the "Who is this Four Chan?" news lady
better than reddit
Lol no way 4chan is openly bigoted and is a cesspool of degeneracy
Lol no way 4chan is openly bigoted and is a cesspool of degeneracy
As is Reddit
As is Reddit
Not as much as 4chan lol
Reddit is definitely a virtue signaling bunch but it's not the same as 4chan
4chan literally uses the f word and n word on the regular it's part of the site culture
They're losers on the same vein as any other bitter folks who unhealthily resent the other gender because of their dating failures.
Yeah, they're not as bad as full-fledged femcels/losers, sure, but that's not a very high bar to pass.
As is KTT2
The hierarchy goes KTT2 > Instagram > 4chan > Dogshit > Twitter > Dogshit covered in cat piss > Dogshit covered in cat piss and monkey semen > Reddit
^ ironically this type of response is something you’d see on reddit
^ ironically this type of response is something you’d see on reddit
I only use reddit for p*** and torrents
The people ITT saying "no 4chan is the worst!!" lol
It's like their knowledge of that site is one step above the "Who is this Four Chan?" news lady
the hacker known as 'the mongolian basket weaver'
The hierarchy goes KTT2 > Instagram > 4chan > Dogshit > Twitter > Dogshit covered in cat piss > Dogshit covered in cat piss and monkey semen > Reddit
In reality, it's all the same.
Aside from 4chan, that's another level of bigotry and sexism, most KTT/reddit/twitter users at least try to mask it.