  • Nov 14, 2020

    Where did this come from? Whenever I go on mainstream Reddit, I see posts making fun of Trump, white supremacists, white Karens, etc. Any racist comment I've seen gets downvoted into oblivion.

    Of course, some smaller subreddits might have their fair share of hateful content, but that's how it is everywhere, including KTT. Reddit also officially has a no-tolerance policy for hate speech; any subreddit that promotes hate gets shut down.

    Why do people have this misconception that Reddit is somehow infested with nerdy white supremacists?

  • Nov 14, 2020

    Well, it's just misunderstood, ktt wouldn't understand

  • Nov 14, 2020
    8 replies

    Reddit is plagued with subtle racism. They come at white supremacists but don't even realize when they are being racists themselves. I still frequent reddit, but avoid the comments

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Ironically ktt is probably the biggest self hating white community in existence

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Yeah I’ve had people on ktt try to tell me that reddit isn’t a liberal-leaning site

  • Nov 14, 2020
    2 replies

    Because they had large overtly racist boards like coontown, watchnwordsdie, thedonald, and loser that they refused to shut down for the longest

    Also when the BLM s*** was starting up racist comments would regularly be voted to the top

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    on the hugely populated subs it's mostly inhabited by white loser closet school shooter stem heads.

    i understand why it gets a bad rep but the niche subs are legit goated.

  • Nov 14, 2020
    Lost fist fight

    Reddit is plagued with subtle racism. They come at white supremacists but don't even realize when they are being racists themselves. I still frequent reddit, but avoid the comments

    not very subtle. this is coming from an asian person. reddit be saying some crazy racist s***

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    reddit shut down all the racist subs, and usually leans pretty (american) left

    it’s no way full of white supremacists

    i’m not sure where the narrative came from either.

  • Nov 14, 2020
    So Illegal

    Because they had large overtly racist boards like coontown, watchnwordsdie, thedonald, and loser that they refused to shut down for the longest

    Also when the BLM s*** was starting up racist comments would regularly be voted to the top

  • Nov 14, 2020
    2 replies

    4chan probably has more

  • Nov 14, 2020

    Even now on the popular subs you can still see some wild s*** on the regular. It's not as bad as other places but it is what it is. It's less a reddit problem and more of an internet problem. Racists are like roaches.

    Reddit just gets the most hate for a few reasons, some justifiable. In fact, I think a lot of those people push that narrative harder to use Reddit as a scapegoat

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    on the hugely populated subs it's mostly inhabited by white loser closet school shooter stem heads.

    i understand why it gets a bad rep but the niche subs are legit goated.

    Why do you assume that? Because they make cringeworthy jokes and say nerdy things?

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Yea idk where that narrative comes from, every big subreddit is a neoliberal circlejerk. Even having a centrist opinion will get you banned or downvoted to oblivion.

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    4chan probably has more

    People probably got 4chan and Reddit mixed up.

  • Tadow 🥀
    Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Holy s*** Chimpout is still online

  • Nov 14, 2020
    2 replies

    Why do you assume that? Because they make cringeworthy jokes and say nerdy things?

    reddit is heavily populated by stem heads the numbers don't lie. the humour is super forced and it's like a cubs scout meeting with everyone trying to one up each other super lame imo.

    the lowkey subs is where reddit shines where the discussion is much more natural and relaxed.

    not hating on reddit because i use it alot it's just the popular subs can get toxic very heavily and it's pretty pants for poltical discussion due to tribalism.

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Holy s*** Chimpout is still online

    ? Is that a subreddit or something?

  • Nov 14, 2020

    Daily reminder that most Reddit users are young introverted cacs

  • I don’t go nowhere but sports subs on there,but it’s lib overall for sure. still very ignorant and I’ve seen racist s*** there countless times. It has this super frat bro who likes weed and tries to be progressive but still obliviously ignorant vibe to it.

  • Nov 14, 2020

  • Tadow 🥀
    Nov 14, 2020

    ? Is that a subreddit or something?

    It's a racist forum
