  • Nov 14, 2020

    reddit is heavily populated by stem heads the numbers don't lie. the humour is super forced and it's like a cubs scout meeting with everyone trying to one up each other super lame imo.

    the lowkey subs is where reddit shines where the discussion is much more natural and relaxed.

    not hating on reddit because i use it alot it's just the popular subs can get toxic very heavily and it's pretty pants for poltical discussion due to tribalism.

    r/mma the only subreddit that isn't complete ass to me, hiphopheads is okay but the base is pretty butt

  • isn’t that the 4chan reputation? thought reddit was just a nerdier ktt

  • Nov 14, 2020
    2 replies

    What was it?

  • DonutHole

    What was it?

    prolly opie and anthony subreddit

  • Nov 14, 2020
    Lost fist fight

    Reddit is plagued with subtle racism. They come at white supremacists but don't even realize when they are being racists themselves. I still frequent reddit, but avoid the comments

    r/unpopularopinion and the amount of love some of those insane posts got is a perfect example of this

    That whole r/waterniggas controversy was stupid asf too. Tons of ignorant privileged s***

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    reddit is heavily populated by stem heads the numbers don't lie. the humour is super forced and it's like a cubs scout meeting with everyone trying to one up each other super lame imo.

    the lowkey subs is where reddit shines where the discussion is much more natural and relaxed.

    not hating on reddit because i use it alot it's just the popular subs can get toxic very heavily and it's pretty pants for poltical discussion due to tribalism.

    Yeah, the whole site, especially before the updated version, looks like it was designed for STEM folks.

    I get you about the cringeworthy humor. It can be funny, but sometimes they stretch it to the point where it just isn't anymore. You see these "chain" jokes where one person says something funny and others continue along. The ones towards the bottom are often the cringiest and most forced.

    I'm a guy pursuing STEM, so it feels a little weird knowing STEM folks have this reputation. I noticed things changing with us younger folks, though.

  • Nov 14, 2020

    All the racist post on , one of the .wins , or one of the chans

  • Nov 14, 2020
    3 replies

    I rarely go on reddit and even then it’s usually to find sports streams. There is a problem with racism on this site though and I’m not talking about white supremacy

  • Nov 14, 2020

    some have already said this but back in the day its free speech absolutism allowed a bunch of racist subreddits to flourish

    nowadays even the relatively edgy remaining subs are really nothing like they were back in the day

  • Tadow 🥀
    Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    I rarely go on reddit and even then it’s usually to find sports streams. There is a problem with racism on this site though and I’m not talking about white supremacy

    Shut up c***

  • cause it is

  • Nov 14, 2020
    Lost fist fight

    Reddit is plagued with subtle racism. They come at white supremacists but don't even realize when they are being racists themselves. I still frequent reddit, but avoid the comments

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    I rarely go on reddit and even then it’s usually to find sports streams. There is a problem with racism on this site though and I’m not talking about white supremacy

    On ktt or reddit? And what are you referring to?

  • Nov 14, 2020

    Shut up c***

    Damn you got me there

  • Nov 14, 2020

    don't even use reddit like that so I really wouldn't know....

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    On ktt or reddit? And what are you referring to?

    Here, there seems to be a lot of black v asian racism, nothing too aggressive but subtle stuff. Still not good regardless of the severity though

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Reddit is the reason for 4 Chan etc?

  • Nov 14, 2020

    The anonymity the internet gives people really shows the true colours of these racist pieces of s***s

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Even though people claim that Reddit is mostly left leaning (they’re technically correct), from my experience there were still good amount of racism spread through various subs. Just sort by controversial and you’ll find them, sometimes they be at the top too.

    That’s why I stopped using Reddit, people are just mostly negative on there and the added racism doesn’t help

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Ps: Serena Williams admitted that she thought him to use wash cloths, he's just wrong all the way around

  • Tadow 🥀
    Nov 14, 2020

    Reddit is the reason for 4 Chan etc?

    4chan is older than Reddit

  • DonutHole

    Ps: Serena Williams admitted that she thought him to use wash cloths, he's just wrong all the way around

    How hard it to wash clothes bare minimum just slam em in there with a pod tf
