Why do men care about what other men do with their nails? (Honest question)
Ppl call men soft for painting their nails but in actuality they are the ones who are soft for being pressed about it
Straight guys with painted nails are a massive red flag these days, reeks of wanting to be praised for 'subverting masculinity', end goal being s***with artsy girls
A few years back it was legitimately something new and original, now it's almost always just pandering
4-6 years ago i used to wear women's clothing to impress girls, including this nonbinary shawty i was with for a chunk of that time
even then i think it was clearly in my mind a purposeful performance
men adapt to social incentives in quest to get laid
simple as
4-6 years ago i used to wear women's clothing to impress girls, including this nonbinary shawty i was with for a chunk of that time
even then i think it was clearly in my mind a purposeful performance
men adapt to social incentives in quest to get laid
simple as
I paint my nails black sometimes and it sure as hell isn’t to get laid
I paint my nails black sometimes and it sure as hell isn’t to get laid
i mean thats cool, do you
there are individuals who don't have these sheisty motivations
but as a group a lot of men do be doing that
the nails are pretty innocuous tho, there are more elaborate things that are generally more blatantly performative
Straight guys with painted nails are a massive red flag these days, reeks of wanting to be praised for 'subverting masculinity', end goal being s***with artsy girls
A few years back it was legitimately something new and original, now it's almost always just pandering
The people like you projecting in this thread are so funny bru. The question is why do rappers paint their nails now? You decided to derail that and talk about straight men as a whole. Rappers are artist it's their job to express themselves and going against the norm by painting their nails is totally fine and has no malicious intent.
The people like you projecting in this thread are so funny bru. The question is why do rappers paint their nails now? You decided to derail that and talk about straight men as a whole. Rappers are artist it's their job to express themselves and going against the norm by painting their nails is totally fine and has no malicious intent.
Yeah lol I wasn't talking about rappers at all, thread was about painted nails and I wanted to post about something that I noticed, I'm honestly with you in that most artists doing it is innocuous, besides Yungblud, he absolutely epitomises what I'm talking about
Honestly, this is the gayest thread I've seen on here. Some of y'all really out here caring this much about another man's nails. Some people do it to get women, some do it to look cool, and that's fine. You got bigger problems if you're this pressed.
Its the always been an agenda of the elites to emasculate black men, turn us all gay, and promote abortion in order to reduce the black population.
Why do men care about what other men do with their nails? (Honest question)
Niggas copy over time anyways
Straight guys with painted nails are a massive red flag these days, reeks of wanting to be praised for 'subverting masculinity', end goal being s***with artsy girls
A few years back it was legitimately something new and original, now it's almost always just pandering
"New and Original"
Hahahahaha s*** been done for decades
Straight guys with painted nails are a massive red flag these days, reeks of wanting to be praised for 'subverting masculinity', end goal being s***with artsy girls
A few years back it was legitimately something new and original, now it's almost always just pandering
I agree fr usually when i meet a dude with painted nails the nails arent the biggest problem at all
Its a dope accessory imo
Ppl who hating just insecure tbh
Just live for yourself tbh
Jealousy is toxic
If u going out of ur way to hate on something from someone you prolly will never see again for the rest of ur lives
Yikes u must be rotten to da core
Who was the 1st mainstream rapper to do this and influence it? I reckon it was X who helped start the fingernail painting wave in Florida. Prolly saw it in anime and it matched his Hot Topic aesthetic