Because these people in particular are basically (often privileged) sociopaths with little to no regard or deep critical thought for the lives of other human beings
I love love love dogs but if I was trapped and needed food I would eat mine first night without hesitation (always wondered what he would taste like)
i realised long ago most of those kinds of people are usually white so they’re likely self absorbed
i really hate any kind of animal cruelty but a human comes first for me tbh
dog worship culture weird as s*** and u know exactly the kind of ppl that engage in it
I love love love dogs but if I was trapped and needed food I would eat mine first night without hesitation (always wondered what he would taste like)
Because an animal is damn near defenseless and sure as hell can’t call someone for help.
dog worship culture weird as s*** and u know exactly the kind of ppl that engage in it
dog f***ers