He’s a arrogant and cocky white man it rubs people the wrong way. Every rapper feels the way he does they just never say it outside raps
I use to ask myself that too, I’d be like “he be making points” but really it’s how he expresses his points. He’s a d***head, people would be willing to listen to him if he wasn’t so aggressive.
Too cocky. I like some of his s*** tho. Again lyrical content on 90% of the tracks is "fuck the haters". Don't hate him tho that's twitters job.
His music is basic as f*** but that doesn’t warrant the hate he gets. It’s safe to say that it’s a trend. For example, Yung Bans
I thought Rihanna was god though
Imagine genuinely thinking that being a fan of someone means you have to agree with all their actions and opinions
This thread is dumb and redundant, like Russ
While he does over do it, I feel like some of the hate is on some “it’s the cool thing to do” type s***.
this guy will never be big as what he wishes
not even a fan of his but comments like this just come off as true hater s***. he sells out shows and even some arenas overseas. dudes cant even sell out a bar or nightclub, yet get more respect from yall lol
KTT is to close minded to understand how much people like Russ. He has built a really strong fanbase but the site doesnt want to admit it
im tired of niggas fanbases determining hiphop.
If that was the case logic is one of the greatest rapper's ever.
A strong fanbase shows how much you grinded it out not in any sense does it indicate how good your music is.
That second one cannot be real wtf I thought that was from a random twitter account wen it went viral lmaoooo
not even a fan of his but comments like this just come off as true hater s***. he sells out shows and even some arenas overseas. dudes cant even sell out a bar or nightclub, yet get more respect from yall lol
He does all that but still wants praise from akademiks comment section lmao. Dudes still corny af
Rihanna said Russ made her favorite song
she has definitely gained weight
not even a fan of his but comments like this just come off as true hater s***. he sells out shows and even some arenas overseas. dudes cant even sell out a bar or nightclub, yet get more respect from yall lol
nah I think he means a tru contender in hiphop culture/ status and he's definitely right.
same s*** with logic. Their fanbase is strong and can sell out venues. that's a great achievement as an artist. but when you look at what achievements accolades, and legendary status they're getting in the genre
Only thing I like about dude is that he’s laying out a blueprint for new artists. He’s showing you that anyone can make it if they apply enough energy.
I have not heard one song from him. Skimmed over a video and I’m not a fan of the generic sound.
It’s like he found this formula and stuck with it. Nothing original but his work ethic is admirable