Then what's that say about Rihanna who likes his music
What are you even trying to say here? I don’t give a f*** what music rihanna likes
Rihanna showed major respect to him. That's pretty big for anybody
She also likes Joyner lucas
Rihanna showed major respect to him. That's pretty big for anybody
Bruh Rihanna did not invent music tf wrong with you
She preggo dawg
She’s not pregnant. She was spotted @ one of Rocky’s concerts w/ a drink in her hand and recently on IG with a blunt
She’s not pregnant. She was spotted @ one of Rocky’s concerts w/ a drink in her hand and recently on IG with a blunt
she making sure the baby vibin
She’s not pregnant. She was spotted @ one of Rocky’s concerts w/ a drink in her hand and recently on IG with a blunt
She might just be reckless
Its just people’s insecurity they hate seeing a man be as bold as he is and not give af what people think
corny personality
generic music for some who WrItEs AnD pRoDuCeS eVeRyThInG
punchable face
looks like he could play casey jones in a tmnt movie
Oh yeah, this too. Dude is a straight up diva, and not in an endearing way
She’s not pregnant. She was spotted @ one of Rocky’s concerts w/ a drink in her hand and recently on IG with a blunt
That baby will be high as s*** when born
He's corny, has an obvious inferiority complex and makes very generic Great Value Music.
Ah yes all wonderful reasons to hate a person you've never met in order to fit in with others
That baby will be high as s*** when born
For her to be pregnant she would’ve to have a baby father and I don’t think she’s w/ that billionaire dude anymore, could be wrong though