KTT full of pretentious nerds, so it makes sense they think everything corny lol
KTT full of pretentious nerds, so it makes sense they think everything corny lol
I can’t throw a rock without hitting a corny
We’re so scared of others and ourselves.
i keep telling myself that, and others so s*** corny
because most ktt’ers are cornballs and so they circlejerk mostly about things that people like and say it’s corny
that thread is right though. people who call themselves “deep” tend to say the most surface level things
Ur literally the corniest thing on this site
Ur literally the corniest thing on this site
have you seen your posts fam
It’s weird man these days no one seems to be able to like what they like, dislike what they dislike and just move on.
Too many people seem to need to justify their likes and dislikes and need to try and pretend they need to be universally accepted, so can’t accept other people’s opinions. See it all over this site tbh.
Guess it’s insecurity?