I was about to say who gives a f*** we gon keep innovating
But that pic just blew me
What they did to Glo Up is crazy
What did they do, and how has the term changed
@Lisa get into your bag fam
What did they do, and how has the term changed
They made a whole Netflix reality series called the glow up. I felt like he should’ve got a bag for it or at least a tip of the cap
feel like i’ve been seeing these takes a lot lately and i can’t seem to disagree
https://twitter.com/shartgore/status/1772057214326571101first of all i’m not the type of person to gatekeep or take s*** too serious
i‘m someone who likes to put people on. may that be in music, fashion or lingo
but especially the latter has been run into the ground by demographics who do not seem to understand the context at all
if you type aave into twitter you’ll see hundreds if not thousands of tweets misusing black lingo
so my question is why is this such a common occurrence nowadays? or has it always been that way and is just more apparent now due to social media?
also mods this is not a troll thread or meant to discriminate it’s really just an observation me and some of the people i talk to have made and thought about
so my question is why is this such a common occurrence nowadays?
Uh…yes…okay well uh zippity doo da!
@Lisa get into your bag fam
Weak. I’m not racist against black people
I support anyone using slang tho. And I’m from the slang capital of the planet. Everyone around the world uses and abuses NYC slang but who am I to complain? We’re just that influential so it’s to be expected
We should be working towards equality but then people would rather make threads like this
Equality also means respecting white people, it's a two way thing
We should be working towards equality but then people would rather make threads like this
Equality also means respecting white people, it's a two way thing
You’ll be adding crash out to you little list soon as well
that’s actually the term that got me and my friends to talk about this
they are so close to ruining it
capitalism kills culture and white people love capitalism so they become as parasitic as their capitalist ideals teach them to be
You’ll be adding crash out to you little list soon as well
crash out is getting there, ain't really heard it from non black people too too much yet tho, Kendrick saying crash out on Like That will 100% boost it popularity though.
always been the lifecycle of a cultural trend
once it makes it from the city to the burbs its dead in the water
We should be working towards equality but then people would rather make threads like this
Equality also means respecting white people, it's a two way thing