We should be working towards equality but then people would rather make threads like this
Equality also means respecting white people, it's a two way thing
This the real dude from the podcast?
unc is cool but most slang is dumb as f***, you only realize it once uncool white people start using it lol
What they did to Glo Up is crazy
Absolutely insane and he never gets credited
crash out is getting there, ain't really heard it from non black people too too much yet tho, Kendrick saying crash out on Like That will 100% boost it popularity though.
I have - online tho
Mainly because of No Jumper and Akademiks spreading it to "mainstream" even tho its been a saying as long as ive been alive probably even longer
Its especially always been popular in California, LA and Bay
We should be working towards equality but then people would rather make threads like this
Equality also means respecting white people, it's a two way thing
damn... i remember cooking w my friends back in the day
That was fun thank u based god!
I don't think i was ever a part of calling s*** "based" though even being a young lil b fan we were just talking about basedgod lmao but this was years and years before whatever "based" is right now
That post
Equality is funny? Seems like you don't want equality actually
Equality is funny? Seems like you don't want equality actually
Shutup c**
Shutup c**
Why don't you just answer my question? Why is it so hard for you to just respect white people? Did I do something to you? I know there's a historic background but what did I do to you?
What is it with this "yt" s***? I always see it used in a condescending way
Anyway "black slang" is too broad of a term, there's over 40 million black people in America, there's no way you can say all 40 million use the same slang and dialect
If someone is forcing an accent or dialect like Bhad Bhabie then yes it's cringe, but the reality is that the way you speak and your dialect is a product of where you grow up, not skin color
A black person from the hood in Detroit has a different slang and dialect than a black person from a nice neighorbood in Atlanta
We gotta stop with this "Black people do this and white people do that" stuff
Jayman850 is white
I'm mixed
Imagine assuming someone is white because they say something that challenges your view then using that assumption against them
Are you 11 or something?