what are you trying too say and go support my leo thread
click his post
i did so and there was white women
Abuse isn’t funny
go away
Chris has abused multiple women
he's woat
Why you act like this a female trait? I’ve seen dudes do it too. There’s no justification of this.
You wouldn’t say “Well a kid was provoking the parent so that’s why the acted the way they did when they hit them.” Be a bigger person and don’t use violence to teach lessons. End of story
he’s not excusing chris’ behavior at all
he’s just saying something super real about women provoking men in certain situations. it is a very real thing but a mature man should be able to keep his cool and never resort to what chris did period.
some of yall seriously need to take a deep breath and quit having a damn near aneurysm when you see one post you might not fully agree with
guy was not even excusing chris’ actions yet you immediately claim he is
like damn have an actual convo to try and understand the perspective before you go haywire
oh no here comes the hyperlink memes
bruh can we go back to OG ktt
Shut up old man.
lmao MJ has nothing to do with this
Well, defending both a proven woman abuser and a man accused of being a pedophile kinda puts them in the same bag and if you'd stoop as low as blindingly defending the proven guilty one then it deligitimizes your cause.
Well, defending both a proven woman abuser and a man accused of being a pedophile kinda puts them in the same bag and if you'd stoop as low as blindingly defending the proven guilty one then it deligitimizes your cause.
Two separate investigations can't be compared to prove guilt in one or the other.
I've not once defend Chris Brown's actions in the Rihanna case. It was wrong. He should have never even come close to doing so. Asking the question if he would catch as much heat, a question, is not in any way a defence of his actions, it is merely a question regarding the response to those actions.