  • Jan 3, 2022

    once again, as said in another thread, this is a product of a failed state that has limited its resources through decades of government neglect and the people that got the money or the authority to do s*** about it don't give enough of a damn to do it or don't feel inconvenienced enough as long as it's NIMBY.

    Nothing changes until we fix our families. Pretty much all criminals/delinquents come from single parent households. The system not gonna change for us. they deliberately broke up our family units, once upon a time us black folk used to work together beautifully

  • Jan 3, 2022

    Why i carjack:

    I'm poor


    Read the first article my man, not that simple

  • Jan 3, 2022
    1 reply

    Im shooting if i get carjacked

    And i wouldnt lose any sleep about it

  • Jan 3, 2022
    1 reply

    Robberies pretty bad out here too.

    Here's my thing. As an Black American I understand the whole product of your environment angle. But if anyone tried to rob me im going to shoot I don't care if they're teenagers or not.

    If you're robbing another black person who is also deals with the same oppression and discrimination as you do but just has a little more than you and you still decide to rob them for the f*** of it I'm now looking at you as a coon so I have no regard for what happens to you the same way you don't care about me. The be the bigger person s*** goes out the window.

    Do I think that mayors and governments should do a lot more productive and preventive things sure but you cant just blame the government and the environment its also the parents not watching they damn kids in these low budget areas. Cliche sure but hell know no excuse to rob someone else especially someone who looks like you and then be like oh well we struggling the system etc boy f*** you

  • Jan 3, 2022
    2 replies

    Im shooting if i get carjacked

    And i wouldnt lose any sleep about it

    That’s assuming you would have the sense and ability to take your gun out of it being concealed without getting shot yourself when you have another gun pointed to your head

  • Jan 3, 2022

    Robberies pretty bad out here too.

    Here's my thing. As an Black American I understand the whole product of your environment angle. But if anyone tried to rob me im going to shoot I don't care if they're teenagers or not.

    If you're robbing another black person who is also deals with the same oppression and discrimination as you do but just has a little more than you and you still decide to rob them for the f*** of it I'm now looking at you as a coon so I have no regard for what happens to you the same way you don't care about me. The be the bigger person s*** goes out the window.

    Do I think that mayors and governments should do a lot more productive and preventive things sure but you cant just blame the government and the environment its also the parents not watching they damn kids in these low budget areas. Cliche sure but hell know no excuse to rob someone else especially someone who looks like you and then be like oh well we struggling the system etc boy f*** you

    It all starts at home

    Black families are a disaster. Once the kid grows a lil older, around 10-13 the mother loses all control. This is where the father is crucial. We need to focus on building stronger and tighter family units. Wife, husband, and child.

  • Jan 3, 2022
    The Man

    That’s assuming you would have the sense and ability to take your gun out of it being concealed without getting shot yourself when you have another gun pointed to your head

    It just depends on the situation

  • Jan 3, 2022
    3 replies
    Alfredo Mobstah

    Thats why most ppl gon end up in a morge.
    Think anyone really care bout they fake ass internet idealism.

    Internet idealism is the sissy s***

    Shooting down poor high schoolers is true degeneracy

  • Jan 3, 2022
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Boa age don’t mean s***. It’s the shorties that’s out here doing the most dirt. F*** Em.

    This is odd

  • Jan 3, 2022

    "because i'm a bozo"

    that's why they do it. f*** em

  • Jan 3, 2022
    1 reply
    Cant pick

    This is odd

    Only if you’re on the outside. That’s where the disconnect is coming from. If you live around the s*** and have witnessed things your view would be different. When niggas carjacking or sticking mfs up, you think the victim is thinking about their age or their back story or thinking about how he can change his life around? Not at all. They’re either going to fight (rightfully) or run. Just say you live in an area where you don’t have to worry about getting to the point where you may have to do some like that. These shorties are crash dummies and putting in a lot of the work, that’s just the truth of the matter.

  • Jan 3, 2022

    cause theyre like 15 lmfao brah insurance gon cover u anyway and u wanna catch a case shooting at kids

    How would you know some dumb ass kid's age? You pull up with that energy, expect heat in return.

  • Jan 3, 2022

    Carjackings are not to be f***ed around with, especially now here in Chicago. Easily the worst it's been in a long while.

  • Jan 3, 2022
    2 replies
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Only if you’re on the outside. That’s where the disconnect is coming from. If you live around the s*** and have witnessed things your view would be different. When niggas carjacking or sticking mfs up, you think the victim is thinking about their age or their back story or thinking about how he can change his life around? Not at all. They’re either going to fight (rightfully) or run. Just say you live in an area where you don’t have to worry about getting to the point where you may have to do some like that. These shorties are crash dummies and putting in a lot of the work, that’s just the truth of the matter.

    Dang u just typed a book to defend shooting kids

  • Jan 3, 2022

    Someone broke into my car and stole a Walmart Steel Toe boot lmao.

    Still would have tried to shoot him if I saw him.

  • Jan 3, 2022
    1 reply
    Cant pick

    Dang u just typed a book to defend shooting kids

    I forgot you play too much into your oblivious gimmick.

  • Jan 3, 2022
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    I forgot you play too much into your oblivious gimmick.

    I am sorry for not taking your pro kid shooting argument seriously

  • Damn this was sad as f***

  • Jan 3, 2022
    2 replies
    Twist Your Cap

    once got my car broken into and they took a 10 year old GPS

    like yeah bro you really hit the jackpot lmao

    Someone did this and stole my aux cord/charging cable

    Like congrats bro? enjoy i guess?

  • Jan 3, 2022
    1 reply

    Mfs think people are even paying attention to age when s*** like this happen. A lil nigga can approach you with a weapon while you’re trying to enter/exit your car but it’s an issue to defend yourself

    According to this thread shorty is in the wrong!


    Someone did this and stole my aux cord/charging cable

    Like congrats bro? enjoy i guess?

    at least you're making a good impact by bringing music to their car lmao

  • Cant pick

    I am sorry for not taking your pro kid shooting argument seriously

    Play stupid games, win stupid rewards. Run up on the wrong person and you getting smoked. That’s how s*** go in the real world. This ain’t a Pokémon world b.

  • Jan 3, 2022

    Yeahhh i dont like being robbed. I feel for the carjackers . But in the moment Id have to defend myself by any means

  • Jan 3, 2022
    1 reply
    Cant pick

    Dang u just typed a book to defend shooting kids

    What are you doing in this situation, just curious
