Everyone need to start carrying and blow them mfs down. Shorties ain’t doing s*** buttaking cars just to joyride n s*** for the most part. They don’t care about their lives so why should you?
This is 2022 post OTY contender
Fantasize about shooting black children in imaginary situations, I’m sure when I happens you’ll be more judicious and concerning
Its not a fantasy its a reality people have to live in
Everyone need to start carrying and blow them mfs down. Shorties ain’t doing s*** buttaking cars just to joyride n s*** for the most part. They don’t care about their lives so why should you?
It be the young ones, wylin for respect.
When I was baby some older teens stole my brother bike from out back of the house in the alley. My pops pulled up on them and stuck the pistol right in they face after one of em pulled a knife ain’t nobody playing with these lil niggas man.
Not long after that Another young boy stole my pops car from out front. Dumb ass nigga came riding thru the block a couple days later and still had my car seat in the back. Our neighbors blocked the top and bottom of the street and pops went and yanked his dumb ass out the car ol boy got his ass whooped
Mind you this was the early 90s and s*** has only gotten worse. Nigga try to take my s*** I’m not going for it. Eventhough we ain’t got self defense laws in Baltimore and they make it damn near impossible to get a ccw.
Internet idealism is the sissy s***
Shooting down poor high schoolers is true degeneracy
Being fake woke gets you killed.
honestly must be so common, I mean let's be real who keeps s*** in their car?
no one uses GPS's anymore
like what else is there?
I will give the person who did it to me some credit though, they broke the small side window instead of a normal one, he's a good guy in my book lol
Replacing the small corner window is the typically more expensive than the other windows. It was when I was working in glass, anyways.
I’ve been in 3 home invasions and was mugged by the time I was 16.
I hold no ill will towards any of the people who did it.
Hey Seth Rogan!
Living in the suburbs doesn’t automatically make one privileged, kindly stop.
Someone did this and stole my aux cord/charging cable
Like congrats bro? enjoy i guess?
I think for some it’s like a rite of passage. Maybe to a group, to prove something to themselves, FOMO since everyone else is doing it, or to feel “real.” There is no reason to take the risk of breaking into a car to steal a charging cable and an aux cord, unless the person is beyond stupid or mentally challenged.
I just wish ktt would cut the fake woke s*** sometimes b.
I swear there was a thread on here about a break-in and the owner of the house shot and killed the burglar. Think it was an old guy. And most of the thread said he was in the right. I don't see how this is different
cause theyre like 15 lmfao brah insurance gon cover u anyway and u wanna catch a case shooting at kids
F*** dem kids
The priorities in this country are in the wrong places
All these young kids with nothing to do, no opportunities resort to crime that just turns into a continuous cycle
All these kids have great potentials to be productive members of society, but if there’s no resources for them from very young age, then there’s most likely no future for them
F*** em
Society is f***ed up undoubtably but thats not an excuse to be a piece of s***
Mind opening articles of actual carjackers or former carjackers explaining why they do it, how they do it and the underlining causes. They mention the effect of remote learning, lack of parenting and just straight boredom. It also shows that we have a long way to go to fix systemic violence in this country. These articles refer to where I live, Chicago(which had almost 1500 carjackings In 2021) but it is an epidemic across the USA.
I remember seeing a similar news piece like this based in Jersey. Kinda crazy how car jacking both has never really died out and making a comeback. Where i live its gotten really bad and its never been a problem around here
New Orleans has a ton of carjackings
I was down here in July 2000 and mfs was WILDN
Everyone need to start carrying and blow them mfs down. Shorties ain’t doing s*** buttaking cars just to joyride n s*** for the most part. They don’t care about their lives so why should you?
Not sure why you are catching hell over this post. Lil mfs are the scariest ones when it comes to this s*** because they treat s*** like its a game. F*** around not thinking about your life because its a youngin will cost you yours. They are the first ones that are ready to kill you with no remorse because they dont comprehend the severity of their actions thinking they are lit
I just wish ktt would cut the fake woke s*** sometimes b.
The disconnect is real for a lot of people on here who dont live around environments where s*** happens.
gangs use kids as shooters all the time because if they get caught they get lighter sentences
Yup. Teenagers are just test dummies for grown mfs. Watched a dude i went to middle school with go into prison at 15 on a murder and come out at like 24 and recruited a bunch of youngins as rollins doing dirt for him and terrorizing the city. He got locked back up on a rico conspiracy charges i believe and probably never coming home. The damage for the short time he was all these kids shooting robbing and killing each other on his say so and one of my own homies dying. Cycle never ends
Probably because they want the cars.
Good Detective work
Recently some of them have been dumping them a few blocks away. For the young ppl it’s just for the thrill