  • backshot basquiat

    he’s still waiting for the FACTS.. all my s*** is FACTS

    & why is drake not allowed to make fun of people who jumped on the hate wagon?

    where's Drake's facts about Kendrick? Shouldn't he show them to us?

  • RICH 💸
    Feb 18
    2 replies

    Look, ppl know a Jew when they see one

    He’s not jewish

  • Troy Ave Stan

    KTT dorks taking this beef more personal than both parties is proof yall need to stop living through artists vicariously

    Kendrick himself doesn't even believe Drake is a pedophile but his dumbass fans are harassing women they've deluded themselves into believing are potential victims

  • Feb 18
    1 reply
    Yung Nix

    raps fans r 50/50 on the demar situation on the lows. not everyone fws demar anymore

    Demar is in sacramento fam who curr

  • RICH 💸
    Feb 18
    1 reply

    What are you yapping about


  • Feb 18
    1 reply


    What’s that got to do with my post

  • Feb 18
    1 reply

    Demar is in sacramento fam who curr

    raps stans PISSED dot said they didnt deserve demar

  • RICH 💸
    Feb 18
    4 replies

    Name one Drake bar that’s Jewish

    And if you say something relating to money , that doesn’t count @Water_Giver @NobodyWins

  • Feb 18
    1 reply
    Yung Nix

    raps stans PISSED dot said they didnt deserve demar

    Why would a raps fan be pissed at that?

    If I was a raps fan I’d say “you right, thanks for the trade to a chip.”

  • Feb 18

    Tbf wouldn’t you rather people not give Ye attention and hope he slowly disappears into irrelevancy? Dissing him isn’t gonna do anything. He’s too far gone.

    yeah he sure is falling into relevancy thats doing great

    and no one said anything bout dissing, you can stand up or say something for your own people to a man causing real life harm that doesnt have to be in a song

    • meanwhile he talks about everyone else

    just shows how spineless he is, to me, especially a man that has s***ted on you multiple times and he responded before

    and its his 2nd major time doing it, kanye, and drakes 2nd time ignoring it

  • Feb 18

    Name one Drake bar that’s Jewish

    And if you say something relating to money , that doesn’t count @Water_Giver @NobodyWins

    what a dumbass

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Feb 18
    backshot basquiat

    he’s still waiting for the FACTS.. all my s*** is FACTS

    & why is drake not allowed to make fun of people who jumped on the hate wagon?

    Exactly lol

  • insertcoolnamehere

    Why would a raps fan be pissed at that?

    If I was a raps fan I’d say “you right, thanks for the trade to a chip.”

    positive outlook on everything, respect dat

  • proper 🔩
    Feb 18

    Look, ppl know a Jew when they see one

    He’s not jewish


  • Feb 18
    1 reply

    Name one Drake bar that’s Jewish

    And if you say something relating to money , that doesn’t count @Water_Giver @NobodyWins

    What the hell are you talking about man you’re making me feel schizo idk what the hell you’re yapping about!!

  • RICH 💸
    Feb 18
    1 reply

    What’s that got to do with my post

    You asking what I’m kvetching about

  • RICH 💸
    Feb 18
    1 reply

    What the hell are you talking about man you’re making me feel schizo idk what the hell you’re yapping about!!

    It’s called kvetching

    And neurotic not schizo

    You might be Jewish ngl

  • Feb 18
    2 replies

    Nigga no don’t I didn’t even know where tf that function is nerd

    U not being honest bro. Your threads are public by default. U changed your settings to hide them from your profile

  • Feb 18

    i aint even christian i still went to church that year

  • Feb 18

    It’s called kvetching

    And neurotic not schizo

    You might be Jewish ngl

    @mods help!

  • It's really nothing he can say to Kendrick anymore unless he makes a diss bigger than NLU which is damn near impossible. Nigga just got his ass whopped tbh.

  • Feb 18
    1 reply

    Name one Drake bar that’s Jewish

    And if you say something relating to money , that doesn’t count @Water_Giver @NobodyWins

    Yeah, I probably should go to yeshiva, we went to Ibiza.

  • proper 🔩
    Feb 18
    3 replies

    Name one Drake bar that’s Jewish

    And if you say something relating to money , that doesn’t count @Water_Giver @NobodyWins

    tell 'em I deserve a mazel tov
    I'm rappin' like a Shepherd with the muzzle off

  • Feb 18
    1 reply

    R I C H 💸

  • Feb 18

    tell 'em I deserve a mazel tov
    I'm rappin' like a Shepherd with the muzzle off

