@p_p what now dude say something moron
You asking what I’m kvetching about
look at all these f***ing goys trying to tell a real jewish man what is and isn’t jewish smh
tell 'em I deserve a mazel tov
I'm rappin' like a Shepherd with the muzzle off
Well then , I rest my case
Drake is jewish
@p_p what now dude say something moron
It’s called shmuck not moron
Sorry I mean, Oy vey
Im gonna shmuck you
Truth comes out
You are jewish
Yeah, I probably should go to yeshiva, we went to Ibiza.
he's had many, especially earlier in his career
Truth comes out
You are jewish
Reply to me one more time and I’m getting the moderators involved. Final warning.
he's had many, especially earlier in his career
Are you Jewish?
Reply to me one more time and I’m getting the moderators involved. Final warning.
Please man, I’ll do anything , I’ll even send u the invite back to the d*** sxn discord that you wanted an invite to (that was you right? )
Please man, I’ll do anything , I’ll even send u the invite back to the d*** sxn discord that you wanted an invite to (that was you right? )
Yeah it was send the invite
Yeah it was send the invite
Lemme ask the mods
lol snitch!
Of the discord chat….