Listen to Hands On.
I’m personally completely with Ye on his spiritual journey. I can’t wait to see what Sunday service looks like on the global stage.
Spreading love and peaceful vibes to him and his fam.
Im truly curious as to why you think Kanye is being “served” white Christianity.
Because he is spewing all the propaganda that the Republican Party spews.
Slavery was a choice
Hooking up with Joel Olsteen
Wearing Maga Hats
All of a sudden he doesn’t like what Kim wears
Nothing beneficial to him being black. He fights for prison reform but not police brutality. One is actually killing black ppl.
because orange man bad
if kanye’s take boiled down to anything other than “orange man GOOD!” then he might have a leg to stand on, but he’s refused to expand upon his opinion in any understandable way and instead just doubles down wit the controversial statements that (historically) he used to have merit and statistics behind them, but now are literally just flat out falsehoods
Bs thats ye
Nothing safe bout jik lol. Maybe if u a christian yeah
Not lyrics wise. Atleast it was beats like violent crimes, itaky, ghost town on ye. Jik beats have all been done before
Because he is spewing all the propaganda that the Republican Party spews.
Slavery was a choice
Hooking up with Joel Olsteen
Wearing Maga Hats
All of a sudden he doesn’t like what Kim wears
Nothing beneficial to him being black. He fights for prison reform but not police brutality. One is actually killing black ppl.
Cops Shot The Kid
He’s starting to realize this hopefully
He definitely isn’t. Kanye is gone forever bro.
I disagree about that part. And by his Faith I meant, I meant black Christianity which is much more than the watered version we were served during slavery.
What is black Christianity? Lol
What is black Christianity? Lol
The one that hasn’t been white washed by a white Christ and Christmas. The one where it recognizes Jesus to be a person of color.
I’m scared because I don’t see him coming back to his regular music. His stadium anthems. His witty lines. It truly is almost like he died. I am happy for him though.
It’s not. Koonye will say/ do anything that’ll align himself to controversy just so he can push his mediocre music. He did it back in 2005 with the whole “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” comment. He’s done this his entire career (more recently since Yeezus dropped). He says dumb s*** and drops trash music and his weirdo stans eat it up.
Shut your b**** ass up lmao virgin
I’m scared because I don’t see him coming back to his regular music. His stadium anthems. His witty lines. It truly is almost like he died. I am happy for him though.
Sheesh it’s truly the hardest pill to swallow man
Because it’s not authentic. He’s using Christianity as a means to sell records (and to win over Middle America for a possible presidency, god I hope that s*** doesn’t happen). Koonye always needs to do something to get people taking about him because the music doesn’t.
This. And it’s a particularly sad fall from grace even beyond the stupid s*** he’s been saying the last few years since there was a time he mostly did let the music speak for itself instead of constantly overcompensating and trying to affirm in every interview for the past decade that’s he’s the greatest artist living. I believe he was once fully confident in himself but this hasn’t seemed to be the case in years.. he’s been overcompensating more and more in direct relation to his album sales downward trend since Yeezus. Yes, Kanye obviously has a lot of influence in some circles but people forget that no matter how much land he owns, he’s still shackled into a lifetime record deal. He, like just about anyone of us, still has bosses. And with the music industry overall exponentially less profitable than it was at the beginning of his career, people are crazy if they don’t think the executives have been breathing down his neck to keep getting a return on their investment. That’s why he’s progressively gotten wilder with the s*** he says because while he is still Kanye West and has a billion dollar company, 40,000 acres, etc, regardless of what anyone on here says, that name doesn’t hold as much weight in the hip hop community or even just his listener base’s eyes specifically as it once did. That’s why once he went too far over the line, he (or perhaps the label) decided f*** it, we’ll just go all in to appeal to a whole new, but the most dominant listener base in America - white conservatives. I’m confident once x number of albums don’t do sufficient numbers for the label, he’ll be right back to his secular ways. I would love to believe this transformation but nothing about it seems genuine especially when he repeatedly says he may have made mistakes in saying certain things but simultaneously refusing to apologize and insisting it would be a form of slavery to call him out for saying it because he’s being “silenced” and that he can’t be held accountable like almost any other public figure would be simply because “I am Kanye West, don’t question me”. Spouting all this bullshit about the “woke” ones actually being the sheep just to try to validate his own blatant ignorance (though I don’t at all believe he’s genuinely ignorant, he chooses to do so because it plays into the media to get his name out by any means necessary, similar to his dragon energy brother). Like you’re only deemed truly woke if you question everything... except Kanye West. Get the f*** outta here with that bullshit. I believe religion is a part of his life but this era seems entirely fabricated and forced to me personally. Wouldn’t be surprised if Kim’s ring that got stolen that showed up on her IG however long ago really was the original. I feel f***ed for saying this especially cuz I used to love the guy and I’ve been in the psych ward a couple times myself but I don’t even really think the whole robbery/mental breakdown thing was real.. both Kanye and Kim are masters of getting their name out, it seemed like a chess move for both of them as soon as they got married tbh.. not saying they don’t genuinely love each other, just that I think a lot more is maybe manufactured than we all think. And that goes for the entire entertainment industry, to be fair.
if kanye’s take boiled down to anything other than “orange man GOOD!” then he might have a leg to stand on, but he’s refused to expand upon his opinion in any understandable way and instead just doubles down wit the controversial statements that (historically) he used to have merit and statistics behind them, but now are literally just flat out falsehoods
Kanye’s explained multiple times that he likes Trump’s personality and also told us which of his policies he agrees with at the White House. Ya’ll literally just don’t wanna listen and expect him to explain himself every single time the name Trump is brought up.
Because he is spewing all the propaganda that the Republican Party spews.
Slavery was a choice
Hooking up with Joel Olsteen
Wearing Maga Hats
All of a sudden he doesn’t like what Kim wears
Nothing beneficial to him being black. He fights for prison reform but not police brutality. One is actually killing black ppl.
Lmao but how is any of it hurt him?
Kanye’s doing extremely well. Him and Kim look extremely happy but yall choosing to super-laser-focus on these minute details out of a man’s entire life and are ready to cast him out over it.
Kanye’s conservative now. Get over it. Why do you care? What is wrong with black people being conservative? Why do all black people have to think the same?
Because he is spewing all the propaganda that the Republican Party spews.
Slavery was a choice
Hooking up with Joel Olsteen
Wearing Maga Hats
All of a sudden he doesn’t like what Kim wears
Nothing beneficial to him being black. He fights for prison reform but not police brutality. One is actually killing black ppl.
You also never told me how he’s being “served” this white christianity too.
Kanye’s explained multiple times that he likes Trump’s personality and also told us which of his policies he agrees with at the White House. Ya’ll literally just don’t wanna listen and expect him to explain himself every single time the name Trump is brought up.
liking someone’s personality shouldn’t be a valid reason to continually act as if you wholeheartedly support a politician and then FINALLY after being asked and asked by the public, give just a half ass answer regarding actual policy.
it’s just f***ing weak s***. how many people act like kanye’s music is trash solely because of his personality??? him of all people should understand basing your opinion on a person just bc of how they may be conveyed to you is lame asf, and I THINK that seems to be basically his whole message in endorsing dude - so why LITERALLY do the same, just on the reverse?
like we aren’t f***ing stupid - dude kept namedropping trump and all dat bc he vibed wit his “energy” and then when painted in a corner had to actually think about substantial s*** beyond that, like actual policies you may or may not support. which is why him just spreading basically lies is so disheartening, bc he’s basically being the same reactionary type he seems to be rebelling against
i don’t even hate this whole direction he’s gone in recently but let’s call it how it is lol, the trump s*** was basically just for controversy and then he had to double down rather than look like an idiot. which is classic kanye it’s just a shame it doesn’t even seem to be in good faith anymore