@TuxedoMask (arguably WOAT poster)
@Troyavestannigga (how is he not banned yet)
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i kan just smell the stench of op’s kaki shorts
dude can’t even spell khaki tryna insult someone else and who the f*** wears khaki shorts
@TuxedoMask (arguably WOAT poster)
@Troyavestannigga (how is he not banned yet)
@insertcoolnamehere being second is wild
good looks
used to be slim reaper but i changed for rollout szn
Lowkey sexyy red should drop a tape called FAT D REAPER
All that agent orange went to @Josuke head top #tragic
@TuxedoMask (arguably WOAT poster)
@Troyavestannigga (how is he not banned yet)
damn by this list i know you racist as hell
Lowkey sexyy red should drop a tape called FAT D REAPER
when i lock in w her i will make it happen
dude can’t even spell khaki tryna insult someone else and who the f*** wears khaki shorts
u way 2 defensive not 2 b wearin kaki shorts
when i lock in w her i will make it happen
looking forward to it
@TuxedoMask (arguably WOAT poster)
@Troyavestannigga (how is he not banned yet)
I don’t even know who you are Thanos reference
@TuxedoMask (arguably WOAT poster)
@Troyavestannigga (how is he not banned yet)
in there with great company + kevin samuels avi, sit your b**** ass down nigga
@op anime avi = shut the f*** up
I looked thru @t3st1ng threads and the only "coming and going" thread he has is about Barter 16 lol
Must of really hit a nerve or hurt the fan inside
This guy wears Ramones with what ?!?
@t3st1ng i hate you now
FATD Reaper did nothing wrong
And no one knows whats from HnM except chronically online Fashion nerds
I don’t even know who you are Thanos reference
same but for @op
@TuxedoMask (arguably WOAT poster)
@Troyavestannigga (how is he not banned yet)