@op I don’t know if you seen but them niggas jumping you itt
You're just mad you play with your a****** at night and like it you f***ing sad excuse of a human
@TuxedoMask (arguably WOAT poster)
@Troyavestannigga (how is he not banned yet)
Get tf off my d***
damn by this list i know you racist as hell
Crazy how mad users on here are confirmed black
@TuxedoMask (arguably WOAT poster)
@Troyavestannigga (how is he not banned yet)
I didn’t make the list
i say idk why ktt hates toilet paper so much, and now i allegedly dont wipe? kys
i say idk why ktt hates toilet paper so much, and now i allegedly dont wipe? kys
How is this thread still up?
nah im deadass dont b projecting ur nasty ass habits on to me. im genuinely still disturbed by how many ppl here just assume toilet paper = s*** chunks left on ass. like holy s*** how hard is it to wipe ur mf ass. f***ing gross
if u struggle w toilet paper thats ur issue, dont take it out on me
Both of y’all niggas suck
This is actually crazy
Like bro u know how many ppl would make the same thread about you if they felt like it?
nah im deadass dont b projecting ur nasty ass habits on to me. im genuinely still disturbed by how many ppl here just assume toilet paper = s*** chunks left on ass. like holy s*** how hard is it to wipe ur mf ass. f***ing gross
if u struggle w toilet paper thats ur issue, dont take it out on me
@TuxedoMask (arguably WOAT poster)
@Troyavestannigga (how is he not banned yet)
Where is @Rockman