I've always wondered why god would send someone to hell forever im ngl thats pretty messed up.
Depending on your religion, I think in Islam specifically, Hell isn't permanent, you have to do your time then you can go to Heaven. Someone correct me if I am wrong please.
Hell isn’t permanent g we don’t stay here forever
What do you believe in, heaven or hell? You don't believe in heaven, cause we living in hell
Cause the catholics wanted to get their bag and people needed to be afraid
Dante escaped hell if I loosely recall the story.
and the dantes inferno video game
Depending on your religion, I think in Islam specifically, Hell isn't permanent, you have to do your time then you can go to Heaven. Someone correct me if I am wrong please.
it's very contentious. some say that it's temporary for a very small subset of people, others say its eternal.
Indeed, those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers - upon them will be the curse of Allah and of the angels and the people, all together, (161) Abiding eternally therein. The punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved. (162)
بقره، 161- 162.
I've always wondered why god would send someone to hell forever im ngl thats pretty messed up.
Don’t really understand how u can square this alongside the concept of an all loving god
Depending on your religion, I think in Islam specifically, Hell isn't permanent, you have to do your time then you can go to Heaven. Someone correct me if I am wrong please.
Dont belong to any faith i believe in god tho
And in Islam hell is only permanent for non believers
It’s duality. Hell is eternal punishment, which is the contrast of eternal life
Matthew 25:46
I've always wondered why god would send someone to hell forever im ngl thats pretty messed up.
God didn’t send you there You did that
What do you believe in, heaven or hell? You don't believe in heaven, cause we living in hell
Dante escaped hell if I loosely recall the story.
and the dantes inferno video game
Dante isn't sent to Hell as punishment in Inferno, he's shown Hell by Virgil so he doesn't stray from his path.
Don’t really understand how u can square this alongside the concept of an all loving god
Don’t really understand how u can square this alongside the concept of an all loving god
Brother, it’s the same way we have prison: it’s a last resort. God has no desire that anyone should be cast into hell, but He is a righteous judge
“… for He is coming to judge the earth. He shall judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with His truth.” Psalm 96:13
I think sending a murderer to prison is on par with sending a murderer to Hell, no?
As in if God is all loving, like u said why is he condemning people to eternal damnation