its the like feature bro. first post is always some dumb s*** to bait for likes!
yeezy was right.
First page is the most viewed so people try to get the most impact with their posts. A lot of monkey see monkey do chain reaction s*** takes place on the first page too
Not always negative tho. Sometimes it’s just real s***.
Most of us are from America.
That explains it all
its the like feature bro. first post is always some dumb s*** to bait for likes!
yeezy was right.
nah likes dont change anything
people was doing the same stuff just for quotes instead of likes on ktt1
nah likes dont change anything
people was doing the same stuff just for quotes instead of likes on ktt1
at least it was funnier now its just all bait for likes
The other day a user said Shether was a top 10 hip hop moment of the 2010s and you don’t want me to be negative?
coming from the guy who made 15 threads on fashion brands he hates
Wasnt it 2 threads?
its the like feature bro. first post is always some dumb s*** to bait for likes!
yeezy was right.
people forget that you can delete ANY post on your own thread as long as its still on the first page
Op i seen you be negative plenty of times too?
If someone comes at me, ill square up
Wether it be unconscious or conscious, the negativity is by and large a cry for help from such posters. This forum is a medium where the socially inept, lonely and miserable can actually find a place where their mental barriers in the real world are eliminated and people can give them the attention, likes, and replies they crave.
little d*** energy
most of these puss puss weren't raised christians
and they don't know christ
so theyre not virile they're impotent little punks
mad at the world because they cant connect to their higher purpose jesus christ
little dumbbell weaklings that never lifted a cross
smelt that cedar incense
f*** a ktt2 loser hater
never had a life trapped in a f***ing basement
judging celebrities for being lucky and halfway intelligent to get a record contract.