It's mid like most of his albums
Its def not mid but I do feel like Ross peaked on a lot of his features rather than on any of his own albums
Remove “mastermind by” in title and you have your answer
That’s true
You feel like it’s bc of the officer Ricky memes? bc he does have undeniable classic verses, hits and influence
Rick Ross is underrated in general while (imo) his late 2000s ish is wayyy overrated & nostalgiafied but has some of the best tapes and albums of the 2010s like Mastermind & Black Dollar
Only things that sucks is that he has a great amazing project every one or two after each other so its inconsistent
But most of the "regualr" projects are still good
People only think of his radio/club songs but he does have range & introspection on most projects as well than some give credit
One of my fav rappers & outside the 50 cent ish he seems like a solid dude on top of it
And of course he some of the best beat selection which everyone knows
And he has some of the best vocal delievery & tone in all of Rap
war ready is f***ing madness. i love it so much. mike will f***ing killed it and jeezy
My thoughts on mastermind
good wayne verse
! great Ye comin off yeezus to
this is the one
this the post right here.