D*** use? Do you drink a lot of coffee? Screen time a lot late at night? Do you eat healthy. Etc
Been completely sober for a while now, i eat healthy and i only drink coffee when i work graveyard shifts. Could be the phone use but i still sleep just find most nights
Been completely sober for a while now, i eat healthy and i only drink coffee when i work graveyard shifts. Could be the phone use but i still sleep just find most nights
Try CALM powder. Its just magnesium powder. Most of our foods today get stripped of magnesium because of the agricultural processes. So even greens aren't that good in magnesium. Its used for countless functions from the heart to the bones and muscles and even the brain. There are studies that show it also has an affect on anxiety. Mg has helped a lot with my sleep and anxiety. BRead up tye research on magnesium deficiency online.
i have so many thoughts in my head when i get into bed & i just stare at my ceiling till i fall asleep but usually i end up worrying about things & distract myself on my phone.
I wanna be become an amazing musician and make connections, sometimes it means nights without sleep to push forward