Don't say "snap on a beat" meaning wanting him to rap faster
Just say you want him to rap faster again
Lol I knew Coles freestyle was gonna have some of y’all think like this
Hahaha exactly what i thought
Lil Baby on Wants and Needs is a great example of snapping on a beat.
All of Drake's lyrical s*** be slow...When To Say When, Deep Pockets, Losses, Sandras Rose, Is There More, etc... Time to switch it up
It’s not slow, he’s just concise with his words. If you want verbal vomit go listen to Kenny
To name a few
all my EXs live in texas like im george strait, or they go to Georgia state where tuition is handled by some random ngga that live in ATL..........................
If tuscan leather isnt snapping idk what is
all my EXs live in texas like im george strait, or they go to Georgia state where tuition is handled by some random ngga that live in ATL..........................
The bar for Drake is out of control
Theyll always find something else to complain about
It’s not slow, he’s just concise with his words. If you want verbal vomit go listen to Kenny