  • The Darkest Angel

    We keep talking about how people will only remember the music but that's really optimistic. The music has to be great to excuse the antics and honestly everything post Yeezus has been mid. When it's all over most people will only remember his peak 04-13. Ain't no one going to be saying "Yeah he was a Nazi but Ye was a classic" or JIK, Donda, some s*** like that. I bet my account no one will bring up Donda 2 in a positive light. Unless he can deliver a undeniable classic the future will not be kind to him about his MAGA era and everything after

    Bowe has white privileges so this is a dumb comparison. You know they're going easy on him

    People love TLOP more than Yeezus tbf

  • Dec 9, 2022

    Wasn’t Bowie off the s***s I could of sworn I read somewhere during his last album that he had some regrets … Kanye the type to not have regrets dudes been an ass his whole life his music speaks for itself. But once the dust settles he will unfortunately be remembered as the Uncle Tom type of guy who went crazy on social media unfortunately

  • Dec 9, 2022
    1 reply
    • a lot of people dont know about bowies comments because they were too long ago and hes too dead for it to be a story in todays age
    • he’s a dad rock artist that younger generations just dont care about as much as kanye
    • hes white

    i think people itt are seriously underestimating how damaging this is for ye’s legacy, cause i see a lot of users saying no one will care about this once he dies because thats what happened with bowie. but the circumstances, timing and listener demographics are completely different.

  • Dec 9, 2022

    cancel ur rapist uncle first

  • Dec 9, 2022

    Bowie said some wild s*** when he was on coke in the mid 70s and spent the next several decades by all accounts being a decent guy

    Ye has been actively trying to turn society against him for the better part of a decade now and only keeps doubling down

    I would be shocked if Ye was remembered as warmly as Bowie was upon his passing. He’s always been divisive but this s*** is bad

  • Dec 9, 2022
    1 reply

    I mean this is the same dude who rightfully criticized MTV for not playing enough black music so I think he def smartened up and stopped being a piece of s***

    Kanye’s had every chance to turn it around and has refused to. If he made a sincere apology and took some time off, then I think we could maybe look at 2016 - 2022 as his own thin white duke period but i don’t think that’s happening lol

  • Dec 9, 2022

    yo i only read the first couple of sentences but the craziest rebuke to bowie is that he was coked out
    s*** never made sense to me lmao, you don't just start speaking jibberish from being coked out from what others have told me.

    Read the Station to Station wiki page sometime, he totally lost his mind for a bit. Thought the Rolling Stones were trying to kill him and witches were bottling his semen lmfaooooooo

  • Dec 9, 2022
    2 replies

    Idk man im not gonna psychoanalyse this s*** to death anymore. Its f*** him for me

  • Dec 9, 2022

    I hate pedo rockstars

  • Dec 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Eric Clapton still had a career.

  • Dec 9, 2022

    he's no chimp1 but yeah

  • Dec 9, 2022

    Bowie retracted these comments, made during one of the wildest coke-induced periods of his life. he didn't remember how entire albums were made he was so f***ed up

    but yeah rock stars and being obsessed with fascist paraphernalia kinda used to go hand in hand. dont google Lemmy's photos with Hawkwind, some of those are crazy

  • Dec 9, 2022

    on that note, what the f*** girl..

  • Dec 9, 2022

    Social media era is completely different

  • Dec 9, 2022

    Idk man im not gonna psychoanalyse this s*** to death anymore. Its f*** him for me

    Turns out there very few consequences for a white guy in the 70s

  • Dec 9, 2022

    Bowie was not on his f*** s*** for THIS long
    Also Bowie wasn’t almost 50 at the time

  • Dec 9, 2022

    Eric Clapton still had a career.

    I'm a big fan of the blues and Clapton's ability to remain at the top is insane even after that drunken rant about keeping immigrants up

    S*** even sparked an anti racist festival

    He had a massive hit covering Bob Marley's song

    Wrote a song about falling in love with George Harrison's wife based on a Persian love poem

    He basically built his career off black music (the blues)

    But legends like BB King, Buddy Guy, Howlin Wolf still stuck by him

  • Dec 9, 2022

    best case scenario he’ll be remembered as an insanely talented visionary and a cautionary tale for the effects of poor mental health and stardom

    like pretty much every great ‘tortured’ creative throughout history. that’s his legacy unfortunately

  • Dec 9, 2022
    rise zero

    Kanye going on a MAGA Hitler tirade for years is way worse than Bowie saying some dumb s*** in a magazine in the 70s

    Maybe if he gets help and recants all this s*** in a few years people will let it go

    Plus social media wasn't around when he said that

  • Why are people being obtuse

    The big difference is that Kanye wants people to hate him. He goes out of his way to bring in “cancelled” people into his circle and has spent two months doing a media tour about Jewish people lol
