  • Jan 6


  • Jan 6
    3 replies

    My kids will only be on JesusTok

  • OP
    Jan 6
    6 replies

    My kids will only be on JesusTok

    if you don't let your kids use Tiktok why would you let them religion . lol. they both brainwash mfs.

  • Jan 6
    3 replies

    Tiktoks algorithm is so A1 it's really what you make it. Whatever they're into will reflect on the app to ensure retention. So ya I doubt my junior will be on some weirdo s*** lol but if they are that's my wrongdoing

  • OP
    Jan 6

    if you don't let your kids use Tiktok why would you let them religion . lol. they both brainwash mfs.

    now imagine a "punk" asthmatic chronically online Gen Z'er typing this while vaping and smirking behind a wall of acne

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Jan 6
    2 replies

    if you don't let your kids use Tiktok why would you let them religion . lol. they both brainwash mfs.

    Religion (Islam at least) teaches you principles and a good way of living thats beneficial to yourself and others.

  • Jan 6
    1 reply

    Tiktoks algorithm is so A1 it's really what you make it. Whatever they're into will reflect on the app to ensure retention. So ya I doubt my junior will be on some weirdo s*** lol but if they are that's my wrongdoing

    kids usually arent that developed enough to curate their own algorithm and will just continue to consume the most stimulating thing tiktok will push them

  • 001

    kids usually arent that developed enough to curate their own algorithm and will just continue to consume the most stimulating thing tiktok will push them

    Doesn't take much time to curate it for them lmao

  • Jan 6
    3 replies

    Religion (Islam at least) teaches you principles and a good way of living thats beneficial to yourself and others.

    You can teach all those things without religion. Why niggas try to act like religion invented morals lol?

  • Parental controls with my Face ID for the little s***

  • Jan 6
    1 reply

    no, it is brain rot.

  • I'd avoid giving my child access to social medias until they're about 13-14. But In this day and age.... it's hard to shield your child from this s*** + they'll likely rebel and find a way. Most kids are raised by the internet these days, you can't really stop it

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Jan 6
    2 replies

    You can teach all those things without religion. Why niggas try to act like religion invented morals lol?

    Cause i believe that its the truth? Why would I not teach my kids about their creator instead of letting them wonder whats gonna happen when they die

  • Jan 6
    4 replies

    Cause i believe that its the truth? Why would I not teach my kids about their creator instead of letting them wonder whats gonna happen when they die

    Allow them to think freely and come to their own beliefs instead of forcefully indoctrinating them into your belief system....

  • Jan 6
    1 reply

    You can teach all those things without religion. Why niggas try to act like religion invented morals lol?

    Because those religions literally did

    Despite being thousands of years old, the principles found in religions like Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are still foundational to modern law and society today.

    That’s a fact whether you believe in them or not lol

  • brickfuentes

    Tiktoks algorithm is so A1 it's really what you make it. Whatever they're into will reflect on the app to ensure retention. So ya I doubt my junior will be on some weirdo s*** lol but if they are that's my wrongdoing

    Sometimes kids are just plain weird or bad tho no matter how much you nurture goodness

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Jan 6

    first things first
    I won’t allow kids

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Jan 6
    3 replies

    Allow them to think freely and come to their own beliefs instead of forcefully indoctrinating them into your belief system....

    Im sure they’ll be alright
    You can not raise them and tell em to think for themselves

  • Jan 6
    1 reply

    Because those religions literally did

    Despite being thousands of years old, the principles found in religions like Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are still foundational to modern law and society today.

    That’s a fact whether you believe in them or not lol

    Morals are anchored in biology, they've existed long before religion. We are evolved to behave altruistically because that increases the chances of survival and reproductive success of our species. My point is that you can have a moral code without subscribing to a belief system

  • By the time i have kids there will be another trendy social platform

  • Jan 6
    1 reply

    Im sure they’ll be alright
    You can not raise them and tell em to think for themselves

    You could teach them this all without scaring them with stories of going to hell

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Jan 6
    1 reply

    You could teach them this all without scaring them with stories of going to hell

    Start of Quran:

    In the Name of Allah—the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.

  • Jan 6
    1 reply

    Start of Quran:

    In the Name of Allah—the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Jan 6

  • 5 hours of internet/week starting at age 14, all on a desktop
